Why do I need to connect my financial institution?

      Connecting to Your Primary Financial Information

      By connecting to your primary financial information, you allow Trustii to perform a bank analysis. This analysis takes into account your real income as well as your spending habits, thus providing a more accurate assessment of your actual payment capacity and reliability as a candidate.

      Bank Analysis: Beyond Credit Checks

      Trustii strives to provide services that accurately reflect individuals' financial reality. Bank analysis is a crucial tool in this process, offering a more nuanced perspective than simple credit scores. It's important to recognize that a credit score alone doesn't always provide a complete picture of someone's financial capability. Various circumstances can affect an individual's credit score.

      Trustii's bank analysis focuses on individuals' actual payment capacity by analyzing their real income, rather than solely relying on solvency indicators. By considering real income and expenses, this approach enables a more precise evaluation of a candidate's ability to meet financial obligations, providing a balanced perspective to the investigator.

      This approach, centered on individuals' financial reality, demonstrates Trustii's commitment to providing relevant and tailored services to its clients. By offering thorough and precise analysis, Trustii facilitates informed and unbiased decision-making, promoting long-lasting and mutually beneficial relationships for all parties involved.

      Security of Bank Connection: Safeguarding Your Financial Data with Confidence

      In today's digital world, data security is a major concern, especially concerning financial transactions. When providing banking information for real estate transactions, security is of paramount importance. Trustii acknowledges this concern and is committed to robustly and reliably protecting your financial data.

      Secure and Encrypted Platform

      Trustii employs sophisticated methods to authenticate and validate information, including rent payment capability. It's crucial to emphasize the importance of using a secure and encrypted platform to transmit and store sensitive data. Indeed, utilizing less secure methods such as emailing bank statements or providing information on a paper form exposes data to unnecessary risks.

      Bank Data Analysis

      Furthermore, bank data analysis offers multiple benefits. It not only assesses a candidate's financial capacity but also enriches their credit profile by considering other financial indicators. Thus, Trustii takes into account a broader range of factors to establish a comprehensive financial profile, offering better chances of obtaining accommodation.

      Partnership with Flinks

      To ensure the security of bank connections, Trustii has partnered with Flinks, a trusted banking connection provider. As a subsidiary of BNC, Flinks adheres to the strictest data security standards in the market. You can learn more about their security protocols on their dedicated website: link to Flinks security page.

      Additional Resources

      For more details on the security of bank connection with Trustii, we invite you to visit our website, specifically the tenant tab: link to Trustii tenant page. Additionally, we have published a blog post delving into this subject: link to Trustii blog article.

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