10 Proven Ways to Enhance Your Presence of Mind While Studying | Scribe

    10 Proven Ways to Enhance Your Presence of Mind While Studying

      Do you find it hard to stay focused in today’s world? Between the work emails, text messages, social media alerts, etc. With a lot of distractions around, it becomes difficult to concentrate on studies. As per the research, the collective attention span is on the decline. This means that people lose interest in some conversations, news, and tasks more quickly than ever before. However, with helpful strategies, you can easily sharpen your concentration skills.

      How Can you Enhance your Focus?

      Trouble concentration is more than a lack of focus. This can affect people differently. Some might have difficulty making decisions or meeting deadlines while others might make mistakes or lose things frequently. But no matter what, these proven tips can help in boosting your concentration.

      1. Eliminate distractions: Constant interruptions can make it incredibly difficult to concentrate. After any such interruption, it might take around 20 minutes to refocus and get back on track. When those distractions are eliminated, you can improve your focus better. Ensure that you put on noise-cancellation earplugs to eliminate distraction in your student housing in Middlesbrough.

      2. Listen to music: If complete silence is not your thing, then little music can be a better option. For some people, music can help in enhancing focus. As per research, you can find the preeminent kind of music you listen to can help. Slow music can boost your concentration more than tempo music at high volumes. 

      3. Make a to-do list: Some people cannot function without a to-do list. Others find such lists quite intimidating. If you have tried a to-do list with no success, then try your hands again. If you are serious this time, then this will work. You can also post a to-do list in your Middlesbrough student accommodation. 

      4. Don’t be a multitasking person: This involves switching between two or more tasks to do them all. You can alternate between a conference call, check your email as well as think about the next item on your to-do list. 

      5. Take breaks throughout the day: It might sound unbelievable, but taking breaks can help you focus and get more things done. Time chunking is one of the best ways to add short breaks across the day. For instance, you can easily organize your workday in 30-minute blocks of time. For instance, you can easily organize the workday in 30-minute blocks of time. This will mean that you can work on a task for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break. 

      6. Connect with nature:  Green can give your mind some relaxation. This helps in sharpening your cognitive skills. Spending time in nature can help in improving your memory as well as your attention span. You can thank a wide range of outdoor stimuli such as the smell of flowers or the sight of bright green trees. Find Teesside University accommodation which is near a park. 

      7. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness is one of the best ways to stay focused on the present moment. This will involve observing your thoughts, feelings, and a lot more without any judgment. If your stress is low, then you can work on improving your memory. 

      8. Exercise regularly: Staying active has a lot of advantages. In addition to it, it is important to improve heart health as well as boost your mood. Regular exercise can help in sharpening your concentration with ease. 

      9. Eat healthy food: A balanced diet supports physical health as well as mental well-being. Some of the foods that are good for you are leafy greens as well as fatty fish. No single ingredient can enhance focus all on its own. Include more protein in your diet. Start cooking in your student rooms in Middlesbrough if you want to try out healthy food. 

      10. Try a little caffeine: A little caffeine in the morning can boost your energy. As per the studies, low to moderate amounts of caffeine can enhance your ability to focus. It is also been linked to better short-term memory, enhanced problem-solving skills, and much more. However, remember that moderation is the key. If you feel caffeine is not helping, then it is best to ditch it.