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    5S Process Improvement [Template]

      [DELETE AFTER READING: Here is a generic template that you can use to outline and share step-by-step guides using Scribe. You can learn more about Scribe here and see how to duplicate and use this template here.]

      How to use 5S template?

      6 Steps
      Shreelekha Singh

      Sort (Seiri)

      Sort through materials, keeping only the essential items needed to complete tasks. You can make a list of materials below.

      • Item 1

      • Item 2

      • Item 3

      Set-in-order (Seiton)

      Organize all the items left in the workplace in a logical way so they make tasks easier for workers to complete. Create a checklist and work through it.

      • Item 1

      • Item 2

      • Item 3

      Shine (Seiso)

      Proactive efforts to keep workplace areas clean and orderly to ensure purpose-driven work.

      Standardize (Seiketsu)

      Create a set of standards for both organization and processes. List helpful tools, resources or checklists below.

      • Resource 1

      • Resource 2

      • Resource 3

      Sustain (Shitsuke)

      Sustain new practices and conduct audits to maintain discipline. Ask yourself?

      • What can I do each day to build this as a habit? Do I need a daily calendar or checklist?

      • What other practices can you adopt?

      • What tools help you stay organized? Which ones help you manage your work better?

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