Attendance Policy | Scribe

    Attendance Policy

    Purpose: The policy must ensure regular attendance and punctuality of employees to prevent any deviation that may result in decreased productivity. 

    Scope: This attendance policy applies to all employees regardless of their position or type of employment.

    Responsibility: Human resources are to check attendance policy compliance every day and report violations to management.

    General policy statement: 

    1. Employees are expected to be present for work every day.

    2. employees should adhere to call-in procedures and provide an acceptable reason for their absence or tardiness.

    3. Employees should request exceptions for work absences from human resources and their direct management. The procedure for requesting sick leaves is covered here

    4. Any absence from work not approved by a supervisor is considered to be unexcused and is subject to informal corrective or disciplinary action.

    Disciplinary action: If an employee is absent from work without notifying a supervisor for three or more consecutive days, it will be considered a job abandonment, or termination without notice.

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