To access your investment account, you must first log in to the Aviben Investment Portal. This process ensures that your information remains secure while allowing you to manage your investments effectively.
Logging in to the Aviben Investment PortalManaging your investment choices is crucial for aligning your portfolio with your financial goals. These online tools provide a user-friendly interface to modify your investment elections, move your money, and rebalance your portfolio.
Changing Your Investment ElectionsMoving Money Between FundsRebalancing Your InvestmentsPlanning for retirement requires careful consideration of your finances. The online retirement calculator offers a straightforward way to estimate how much you need to save for a comfortable retirement.
Using the Retirement Calculator OnlineThe rate of return is a critical metric for evaluating the performance of your investments. This section explains how to calculate your rate of return and its impact on your overall investment strategy.
Checking Your Rate of ReturnStaying informed about your investments is key to making sound financial decisions. This section provides insights into the types of investment information available and how to access it to stay updated.
Viewing Investment InformationIf you're looking for your account statements or request forms, this section will help with accessing them and downloading them to your device.
Accessing Reports and FormsKeeping your personal information up to date is vital for ensuring seamless communication regarding your investments. This section provides guidance on how to update your personal information, password, notification preferences, and beneficiaries.
Updating Your AccountIf you're having trouble with the site or need assistance, please call our service team at 763-552-6053, or email them at [email protected]