Clever @ NPAS

    🔳 How do teachers AND students sign in to Clever? (grades 2-12)

    Note: The Clever Portal gives teachers and students access to commonly used apps and websites. Teachers can also create "Teacher Pages" to bookmark class links for their students.

    Sign in to Clever @ NPAS

    4 Steps

    🔳 How do K-1 students sign in to their iPads with Clever Badges?

    🔳 How do teachers navigate the NEW Clever Portal?

    🔳 What are "Teacher Pages" and how do I add resources for my students?

    🔳 How do teachers create new Teacher Pages?

    Create a Teacher Page on Clever

    8 Steps

    🔳 How do teachers add links to website resources?

    Add a Link to Your Teacher Page

    13 Steps

    🔳 How do teachers add apps from the Clever Library?

    Install Apps from the Clever Library

    12 Steps

    🔳 How can teachers rename their auto-created classes in Clever?

    Rename a Class with a "Nickname"

    7 Steps

    🔳 What happens to my Teacher Pages at the end of the school year?

    Great news!... Teacher Pages are preserved each school year. You will NOT have to recreate Teacher Pages for your classes or students.

    If you share a Teacher Page with a specific class section(s), you’ll see an Attention Needed message for any Teacher Page that’s affected. When you click on the Teacher Page, you’ll be guided through re-sharing the Teacher Page with students for the new academic year.

    🔳 How do I share my Teacher Page with another teacher or substitute?

    Share Your Teacher Page with a Substitute

    8 Steps

    🔳 Can teachers edit or change my shared Teacher Page while they’re viewing it?

    No. At this time, shared teachers can view your Teacher Page and add resources from it to their own Teacher Page(s). They will not be able to make any changes to your Teacher Page.

    🔳 If I share a page with a teacher, can their students access my Teacher Page?

    No. Only your students can view your Teacher Page. When you share with another teacher, only that teacher can view your Teacher Page.

    🔳 How can I add a resource from another teacher’s Page to my own?

    Add Resources from a Shared Teacher Page

    6 Steps

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