Purpose: In order to produce accurate statements for your donors come January, you will want to spend the last quarter of each year reviewing and cleaning up your data in Ministry Platform. The purpose of this checklist is to give you as many step-by-step instructions to assist you in this process.
Audience: Church administrators, finance persons, anyone who handles Contacts/Members (Participants).
Look for persons marked deceased improperly. Improperly marked deceased donors may receive a statement.
Identify duplicates.
Ensure any Deceased Donors who do not have surviving Spouses are marked as Stmnt Method: No Statement and Frequency: "Never" so that you can filter out any of these Donors.
Ensure all Heads of Household have the same Donor Statement Type.
Perform a test run of the statements to ensure they print correctly, and to ensure you know the amount of paper and envelopes to have on hand.