Life Skills
I can buy things online and know how to check if a website is safe.
Learn My Way: Spending Money Online
I can use the internet for online services e.g., Universal Credit or uploading passport forms.
Learn My Way: Managing Your Money Online
Learn My Way: Basic Features of Forms
I can use online banking websites and apps.
Learn My Way: Managing Your Money Online
I can use different payment systems such as credit/debit card, bank transfer and phone accounts to make payments for goods or services online.
I can upload documents and photographs to complete an online transaction.
I can make appointments online, for example hairdresser or GP.
I can make, amend and cancel purchases online.
I can access online banking.
I can pay bills online.
I can make payments online.
I can book transport and accommodation online.
Work Skills
I can view my payslips, submit holiday and sickness e-forms and make online expense claims.
I am able to book transport and accommodation online.
I can use a system such as Eventbrite to create events people can book online.
I can access my payslips and pension information online.