This report is a valuable tool for tracking and analyzing the time spent on projects within a project hierarchy in Workday. This report provides insights into the variance between the forecasted hours and the actual hours logged for each project, allowing project managers and to monitor project progress, identify potential issues, and make informed decisions.
In Workday, reports are normally initiated by a Search Criteria to narrow down desired results. Below is a preview with explanations for each field.
Project/Project Hierarchy: In this field, individual projects can be selected for review or EUR - ECT2 can be selected to view all projects under the project hierarchy.
Customer: The customer selection field is optional to generate results for a specific customer.
Project Manager: The project manager field is optional to generate results for a specific PM.
Filter Name: To save search criteria selections for future use, enter a Filter Name and click Save.
This report provides total forecasted and actual hours for prior and current periods. It also calculates the variances and total EAC hours.