These exercises come from our introductory course, "QBO QuickStart: Setup Made Simple."
Click here to get the whole course for just $1.
QS.3.1 Add a Sales Receipt QS.3.2 Add an Invoice and Receive PaymentQS.3.3 Add an ExpenseQS.3.4 Add and Pay a BillQS.3.5.1a Match Bank FeedsQS.3.5.1b Reconciling the Checking AccountQS.3.6 Create a Simple ReportThese exercises come from our Level One certification course. Quickly and easily pass the QuickBooks Online ProAdvisor exam. Start today. Pass tomorrow. Get certified in about 5 hours!
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GS.3.1a Add an Account to the Chart of Accounts GS.3.1b Add Account Numbers to the Chart of Accounts GS.3.1c Create a Subaccount SC.1.1a Customize the Products and Services TableSC.1.1b Add a Non-Inventory Product to Buy SC.1.1c Add a Service to SellSC.1.2a Adding Customers to QuickBooks OnlineSC.1.2b Make a Customer Inactive SC.1.3a Customize a Sales FormSC.1.3b Create a New Invoice Style with LogoSC.1.4 Using TagsSC.2.1a Create an Estimate SC.2.1b Convert an Estimate to a Purchase Order SC.2.1c Convert an Estimate to an Invoice SC.2.2a Creating Invoices SC.2.2b Receiving a Payment SC.2.3 Creating Sales ReceiptsSC.2.4a Recording undeposited funds SC.2.4b Record a Bank DepositSC.2.5 Create a Noncustomer Deposit SC.3.1 Create Customer Statements SC.3.2a Create and Apply a Credit Memo (Automatic)SC.3.2b Create a Credit Memo (not automatically applied)SC.3.2c Issuing a RefundSC.3.3a Set up Recurring Transactions (Scheduled)SC.3.3b Use a Recurring TransactionEV.1.1- Add a VendorEV.1.2 Create an Expense with ItemsEV.2.1 Create and Use a Purchase OrderEV.2.2 Create an Expense Using the Items and Category Table.EV.2.3 Record and Pay a BillEV.2.4 Uploading Receipts and BillsEV.3.1 Create and Apply Vendor CreditEV.3.2 Use Pay Down Credit CardEV.3.3 Create a Monthly Recurring Transaction B.1.1 Edit a Bank Account Name and Rearrange Bank TilesB.1.2 Create a Bank RuleB.2.1 Review Multiple Suggested MatchesB.2.2 Processing Receipts B.2.4a Process Money-Out Transactions in the Bank FeedB.2.4b Bills in the bank feedB.2.5 Review Deposit Transactions in the Bank FeedB.2.6a Correcting Issues in the Bank Feed, Part 1 (typo)B.2.6b Correcting Issues in the Bank Feed, Part 2 (wrong account)B.2.6c Correcting Issues in the Bank Feed, Part 3 (undeposited funds)B.3.2 Reconciling a Bank AccountB.3.3 Troubleshooting Beginning BalancesB.4.1 Reconciliation ReportThese exercises come from our Level 2 certification course. Quickly and easily pass the QuickBooks Online Advanced ProAdvisor exam. Finish in a weekend. Get certified in about 8 hours!
Click here to learn more.
2.SC.1.2 Create Reports with Sub-Customers, Part 3 and 42.SC.2.2 Converting Sub-Customers 2.SC.3.1 Create a Partial Invoice from the Estimate 2.SC.4.1 Create a Price Rule2.SC.4.2 Use a Price Rule on an Invoice2.SC.5.1a Record a Customer Deposit (Deposit method)2.SC.5.1b Record a Customer Deposit (Accounts receivable method)2.SC.5.2 Unearned Income from Customers 2.SC.6.1 Invoicing Delayed Charges 2.SC.6.2 Reporting on Delayed Charges2.EV.1.1 Invoicing a Billable Expense 2.EV.1.2 Invoicing a Billable Expense with Markup 2.EV.2.1 Enable and Record Billable Time2.EV.2.2 Invoice for Billable Time2.EV.3.1a Recording a Vendor Prepayment (other current asset)2.EV.3.1b Recording a Vendor Prepayment (accounts payable method) 2.B.1.1 Corporate Credit Card Setup2.B.1.2a Entering Credit Card Transactions and Paying with an Expense Transaction2.B.1.2b Entering Credit Card Transactions and Paying with a Pay Down Credit Card Transaction2.B.1.3 Reconciling the Corporate Credit Card2.B.2.2a Voiding a check (current period)2.B.2.2b Voiding a Check (prior period)2.YE.1.1a Fix Undeposited Funds the Correct Way 2.YE.1.1b Fix Undeposited Funds the Easy Way 2.YE.1.2a Writing Off Invoices2.YE.1.2b Writing off with a Credit Memo2.YE.1.3 Depreciation Journal Entry2.YE.2.3 Create a 10992.YE.3.3 Create a Budget and Budget Report 2.CR.1.1a Running cash-basis reports2.CR.1.1b Unapplied Cash Payment Income2.CR.1.2 Sharing Reports2.CR.1.3 Performance Center 2.CR.1.4 Cash Flow Planner 2.CR.3.1 Create and Use Tags2.CR.4.1 Create a Custom Field 2.CR.5.2 Creating and Using Classes2.CR.6.2 Creating and Using LocationsThe following exercises are not QBO-specific but teach important information that was previously on the Advanced-level test:
Calculating Inventory Value - Beginner
Calculating Inventory Value - Advanced
Calculating Inventory Value - Expert
These are topics that are no longer tested, but you can still access the older exercises:
Creating a New Client Onboarding Task List
Add a Service
Add a Non-Inventory Product
Add a Preferred Vendor
Creating Payment Methods
Creating Terms
Creating a New Customer
Creating a New Vendor
Creating a New Contractor
Create an Expense from a Purchase Order
Reclassifying Transactions
Create a Custom Report (QBO Advanced)
Proper Workflows - Money In
Proper Workflows - Money Out
Create a custom field
1.5c Merging Accounts1.5d Making an Account Inactive1.6a Importing Products and Services1.6b Importing a Customer List1.8 Add a Customer Type and Run the Report2.7 Create a Custom Field2.8 Customize an Invoice2.10 Receiving & Depositing a Payment3.3 Create and Apply Vendor Credit3.4 Create a Deposit3.7 Create a Journal Entry3.9 Record a Transfer3.10a Transaction Journal Report3.10b Voided/Deleted Transactions4.1 Exclude Bank Feed Transactions4.7a Customizing a Modern View Report4.8 Prepare Management Reports5.2 Reclassify Transactions5.3 Close the Books5.7 Creating a Work ProjectA.1.1a Collapse and Expand Data on a ReportA.1.1b View a Transaction JournalA.1.2 Creating and Using ClassesA.1.3 Creating and Using LocationsA.1.4 Set Up and Create Reports with Sub-CustomersA.1.5a Practice Using ProjectsA.1.5b Converting Sub-CustomersA.1.6 Batch TaggingA.1.7a Invoicing a Billable ExpenseA.1.7b Invoicing a Billable Expense with Markup A.1.8 Invoicing Billable TimeA.1.9 Invoicing Delayed ChargesA.1.10a Create a Partial Invoice from the Estimate A.1.10b Create a Partial Invoice from the Drawer A.2.1 Create & Use a Price RuleA.2.5 Group TransactionsA.2.6 Learn About UndoingA.2.7 Suggested Bank RulesA.2.8 Importing Bank RulesA.3.3 Create a Custom Performance Center ReportA.3.5a Create an Inventory Product with QuantityA.3.5b Make an Inventory Product InactiveA.3.6a Adjust and write off inventory to Cost of Goods SoldA.3.6b Using Purchase OrdersA.3.7 Record a DonationA.3.10 Adjust Sales TaxA.4.1 Daily Sales SummariesA.4.2a Reallocating ExpensesA.4.2b Reallocating Expenses Using Classes A.4.2c Reallocating Expenses to ProjectsA.4.3 Handling a Bounced CheckA.4.5 Recording a Vendor Prepayment A.4.6b Customize Customer or Vendor ListA.4.7a Finding Unreconciled TransactionsA.4.7b Current vs. Date of ReportA.4.8a Fix Undeposited Funds the Correct WayA.4.8b Fix Undeposited Funds the Easy Way A.4.9a Writing Off InvoicesA.4.9b Writing off with a Credit MemoA.5.1 Negative InventoryA.5.2 1099's and W-9'sA.5.5 Create a WorkflowA.5.12 Estimates vs. ActualsThese are exercises that were previously ProAdvisor Challenges that Intuit provided. They are no longer part of the certification but are still good exercises:
PC.2.B.5 - The Chart of Accounts PC.2.B.6 - The Products and Services ListPC.2.I.1 - Customizing the Chart of AccountsPC.2.I.2 - Importing a customer listPC.3.B.2 - Navigating the Sales CenterPC.3.B.3 - Adding Customers to QuickBooks OnlinePC.3.B.4 - Creating Sales ReceiptsPC.3.B.5 - Creating InvoicesPC.3.B.6 - Recording Invoice PaymentsPC.3.I.1 - Customizing Sales FormsPC.3.I.2 - Creating an Estimate and Invoicing the CustomerPC.3.I.3 - Customer StatementsPC.3.I.4 - Credit Memos and Customer RefundsPC.3.A.3 - Delayed chargesPC.3.A.11 - Adjusting InventoryPC.3.A.12 - Adjusting for Donated InventoryPC.4.B.3 - Adding VendorsPC.4.B.4 - Recording a CheckPC.4.I.3 - Creating Vendor CreditsPC.4.I.4 - Pay Down a Credit CardPC.5.B.2 - Matching transactions from the bank feedPC.5.I.3 - Creating Bank RulesPC.5.I.5 - Recording undeposited fundsPC.5.I.6 - Creating a recurring transactionPC.5.I.7 - Recording deposit transactionsPC.5.I.8 - Using Journal EntriesPC.5.I.9 - Using the Transfer functionPC.5.A.4 - Importing bank rulesPC.6.B.1 - Running a Balance Sheet ReportPC.6.I.4 - Customizing ReportsPC.6.A.8 - Location trackingPC.6.A.10 - Converting Sub-customers to ProjectsPC.9.A.1 - Using the Custom report builder