Google Drive

    🔳 How do I access my Google Drive?

    Access Your Google Drive

    Google Drive
    3 Steps

    🔳 How do I create a new folder or file in Google Drive?

    Create a Folder in Google Drive

    Google Drive
    5 Steps

    Create a New File in Google Drive

    Google Drive
    4 Steps

    🔳 How do I change the default view of my Google Drive?

    Set "My Drive" as Your Default Google Drive Page

    Google Drive
    9 Steps

    🔳 Someone shared a document with me. How do I save it to a folder in My Drive?

    Organize a Shared Doc to a My Drive Folder

    Google Drive
    10 Steps

    🔳 How do I create a shared "Sub Folder" in Google Drive and place files in it?

    Teachers place lesson plans, presentations, and other files into their Google Drive Sub Folder. Substitute teachers log in with a shared sub account to access any file in the Sub Folder.

    🔳 What is Google Drive (G:) for Desktop and where do I find it on my laptop?

    The G:drive syncs files between your Windows laptop and your web-based Google Drive folder. The program is installed on all NPAS staff laptops and can be found on the left menu of the Windows Explorer folder (screenshot). Watch the video below to learn more about G:drive.

    🔳 Are you leaving New Prague Area Schools?

    When a student graduates or an employee leaves the school district, their ISD721 Google account is removed. If you have files in your Google Drive that you would like to keep for future use, transferring them to another Google account is important. Follow the suggestions below:

    1. Move files to the Shared Drive: Staff members should move grade-level team or department files to the appropriate Shared Drive (for example, curriculum documents).

    2. Organize folders and delete files you don't need: Do you have “untitled” documents, presentations, and spreadsheets? Delete them from your Google Drive (remember to “empty trash” after deleting files).

    3. Check your storage space: Your ISD721 Google Drive has a lot of storage space. The basic, personal Google Drive is limited to 15 GB. Make sure the storage used in your ISD721 Drive is less than the space available in your personal Google Drive.

    Transfer Your Google Drive Folders & Files

    Google Drive
    15 Steps

    🔳 Didn't find the answer to your question? Try the Google Drive Help Center.

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