Guide to using the CMIP7 Data Request Airtable

    • AirtableAirtable

    The CMIP7 Data Request Airtable

    You can access the CMIP7 Data Request Airtable at

    Many users will not have used Airtable, or navigated through the complex CMIP Data Request database before. Therefore we have created some guides below to help you use the new software.

    While it may seem complex at first, Airtable is an extremely powerful tool which makes viewing complex data structures much more simple when you know how to use it. Therefore we encourage users to take some time getting used to the platform in order to make navigation easier for yourself in the future.

    Please note that, throughout the guides below, screenshots have been taken from the v1.0beta release, but the overall database structure has stayed the same so still reflect the latest version of the Data Request.

    Hints and tips for navigating the CMIP7 Data Request database on AirtableFiltering, Grouping, and Sorting the CMIP7 Data Request

    Frequently used workflows

    There are some particular workflows which we many users will want to follow. We have pulled together some frequently used workflows in the guides below.

    Find a list of the variables required for a given OpportunityViewing the variables requested from piControl and historical experimentsFilter the Data Request to find new variables in CMIP7