Ref Insight Guide - Referee Version

    Welcome to Ref Insight! This is where all assigning will take place for USSF games under the umbrella of WisRef and the WYSA. This system is replacing Game Officials. There is both a website and a mobile app you can use. The steps and screenshots below are taken from the website, but the process is the same in the app. Downloading the app is a good idea because it is an easy way to get notifications regarding your games.

    The Stripe payment platform offered within Ref Insight is NOT what local competitions will be using to pay referees. It's a feature that's available, but we are not using it for our games. Do not worry about setting this up unless you are working at an event that instructs you to do so.

    1. To get started, you will want to follow these steps to get your profile information up to date and to set your availability. Please continue to update your availability as it changes. This affects the games you will be assigned because not everything is done in Self Assign.

      First Steps - Profile and Availability
    2. Self Assign is where you will find many of your games. Most leagues will have anything U14 and below will be posted in Self Assign. U15 and above games will be covered in the next step. You need to be 2 years older than the players to sign up for the center position, but only 1 year older to sign up as an AR. These rules are programmed in so you do not need to worry about accidently signing up for something you shouldn't. Follow the steps below to use this feature.

      Using Self Assign and Getting Unassigned
    3. Request Match is another feature available within Ref Insight that is sort of like Self Assign, but not quite. The difference is that when you use Self Assign, you are directly accepting a position and signing up for a match. Using the Request Match is your way of asking for a position and telling the assignor that you are available. This is useful for matches that are U15 or older which are unable to be self assigned. Many leagues will have ALL games listed in the Request Match tab of Ref Insight. You can also use it on games U14 and below, but self assign is easier for those younger age groups. Follow these steps to use the Request Match feature.

      Request Matches
    4. Manual assignments by an assignor are another way you will receive match assignments. If an assignor manually assigns you a match, you will need to accept or decline it right away. Most assignments will automatically decline after 48 hours if you do not respond. Assignors will stop giving you games if you make a habit of declining all the time. An easy way to avoid this is keeping your availability up to date. There is no issue with being busy, just block your calendar accordingly so assignors know. If you requested a match using the steps above and the assignor chose to give you the assignment, it will come through in this way. You will need to accept it to confirm. The steps below show how to do this.

      Accepting or Declining a Manual Assignment
    5. After a match is complete, be sure to complete a match report for it. Ref Insight has put together a comprehensive guide on this linked here