/DELETE AFTER READING: Here's a generic template that you can outline and share with Scribe.
Scribe is a free extension that generates how-to guides for any process— complete with text and annotated screenshots. Here's how to get started.
Get started with Scribe today to duplicate and use this template. Here's how.
Write out a brief description of the product or feature — be as clear and concise as possible.
What should the end result(s) be? Do you have any metrics or KPIs that you'll be tracking? List those goals here.
You are able to create a bulleted list, OR:
You can also create a numbered list to sort priorities,
This helps you measure objectives based on importance, or the timeline.
Let's break your process out into phases or steps based on the project timeline.
Write a brief overview of this phase. Include:
Team members:
Start date:
... and any other tracking info. Then, you can build Scribes to document each process. Click on the Scribe below to learn how to get started:
If this Phase includes several different processes, you can add a Scribe for each task. Here's a placeholder Scribe that you can replace with your own workflow.
Write a brief overview of this phase. Include:
Team members:
Start date:
... and any other tracking info. Then, you can continue adding Scribes. Here's a placeholder to get you started.
Write a brief overview of this phase and insert Scribes.
Team members:
Start date:
Write a brief overview of this phase and insert Scribes.
Team members:
Start date:
Deadline: [if you have ongoing reviews, document how often and when you expect to follow up]