Interpreting Services - WordSynk User Guide

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    Welcome to the Interpreting Services User Guide

    Welcome to the guide for accessing spoken language support from thebigword. Whether you need face-to-face language professionals, telephone interpreting, video remote interpreting, or further support, this guide has got you covered. In this guide, you will find step-by-step instructions on how to book face-to-face language professionals, access instant language support through telephone interpreting, and utilize state-of-the-art video remote interpreting. We will also provide guidance on seeking additional support if necessary. Our fast, simple, and efficient online portals are your go-to for booking the language professionals you need. WordSynk, our central platform, allows you to access interpreting services and provides reporting information on your service usage. To assist you in working effectively with language professionals, we have included resources to help you understand how to interact with our expert team. Additionally, a comprehensive glossary of terminology related to language support is provided for your reference. With this guide, you will have all the information, support, and tips you need to access spoken language support from thebigword. Take advantage of our services and streamline your communication today.

    Resetting Password on WordSynk AccountLogin to Wordsynk

    All the information you need for communicating in any language can be found in this guide but if you need further support, please contact thebigword Helpdesk: 03333 445 701


    Create an Interpreting Booking

    Preparing to book a face-to-face language professional

    Prior to booking a language professional for a face-to-face interpreting session, you need to consider a few questions and make sure you have the answers prepared.

    Identify the language

    Make sure the language is correctly identified in your paperwork. You can use the printed language identifier to help you understand language by country. If you require a language identifier please contact your Account Manager.

    Identify the appointment type

    Understanding what type of appointment the language professional will need to attend is critical. We need to make sure the language professional has the relevant skills, experience, qualifications and security clearance to manage the appointment. Appointment types will vary according to your business area.

    Know the time and date

    Before booking a language professional, make sure you are aware of the time and date they will be needed. You will be asked for key information about when they are needed and what time they will need to attend to make sure you have the language support you need. An option is also available if you need a language professional to attend for several days consecutively to support appointments.

    Estimated Duration

    Please provide an estimated duration that you expect the language professional will be needed at your location. This will ensure the language professional is booked, prepared and made available for the entire duration of the appointment. We understand that in some cases, appointments will not always run to the expected time and the actual duration will be agreed between you and the language professional after the appointment has ended.

    Additional Notification

    At the time of the booking, it is important you have the names and e-mail addresses of the people who will be dealing with the language professional during the appointment as well as details of anyone else who would need to be notified of this booking. They will be provided with all details needed, including photo identification, a timesheet and information on the language professional who will be supporting your appointment.

    Ways to book a face-to-face language professional

    You should book a language professional through WordSynk as it will secure language professionals for your appointments faster. If you are unable to access this online system then we have additional methods available to support you in these situations.


    thebigword’s WordSynk portal is your central platform for account access, requesting language professionals, managing invoices, viewing and downloading reports on usage and spend. It can be accessed at

    You should have already been provided with a unique username and password. If you are unable to access WordSynk, please contact your System Administrator, SPOC, or the relevant contact for your business area.


    Bookings for a face-to-face language professional can be made by calling the Helpdesk on 03333 445 701. They will then guide you through the process of completing the booking form that can be found on the WordSynk portal.

    Email Request

    Bookings can be made via email if necessary. Please email us from your secure email account to [email protected] to secure a face-to-face booking. You will be sent a form which will request all necessary details.

    Police bookings

    Police Forces across the UK may place bookings for language professionals to attend courts. This will usually be done out of hours when courts are closed and the requirement is urgent. (For example: language professional required in the morning).

    As Police Officers are required to call thebigword to make a booking, these are made against a generic account called ‘Police Booker’. For any booking made by the Police, you will see this user name in any correspondence relating to this booking.

    The default copy (cc) addresses at each Magistrate and Crown court will be automatically notified of such bookings and will be in receipt of all notifications with regards to those bookings as well as confirmations and timesheets once a language professional has been assigned.

    Once the request has been made by a Police Officer, the responsibility for the booking lies with the court it was booked for. Courts are then responsible for managing the booking, managing the language professional on the day and closing the booking(s) on the client portal. This includes providing actual durations of the booking(s) or approving entered durations provided by language professional.

    Managing the language professional on the day

    The language professional will arrive at the venue and will make contact with the person identified on the booking form before presenting their identification card and timesheet.

    On arrival

    They will follow any specific instructions that were included when you made the booking and will also have prepared any key information or terminology if requested. Please show them to an appropriate holding area while they wait for the appointment to begin. It is important to maintain impartiality by keeping the initial communication with the language professional to a minimum.

    If the language professional fails to attend

    If the language professional fails to attend the appointment, please contact the Helpdesk immediately on 03333 445 701 and they will work to investigate the delay and find an urgent replacement if required/possible.

    If the language professional is unable to attend or is delayed, we will call the contact named in the booking form immediately. It is best practice to add direct contact numbers on the booking form.

    Check their Identification (ID) badge

    Every language professional is assigned a personal identification badge that includes a photo of the language professional. Check the information on the ID badge matches the information on the timesheet and that the photo matches the language professional attending.

    If the photo or information does not match, do not proceed with the booking and contact the Helpdesk on 03333 445 701 immediately.

    Managing the language professional on the day

    After the appointment is complete (confirming the booking)

    Confirm the booking signing the timesheet

    Paper timesheets can be completed and signed. In this instance you will review the timesheet with the language professional on site and then sign it. Language professionals have 5 days after an assignment is completed to submit their timesheet and confirm actual times using WordSynk. The requester will be notified via e-mail to confirm the times the language professional has submitted using WordSynk.

    All timesheets are automatically closed after 5 days from when the language professional submits their times and timesheet information. If the requester doesn’t confirm the times before this, the system will approved them on their behalf.

    Confirm the booking with the automated telephone line

    The system gives clients and language professionals access to an automated telephone line that also allows you to validate and submit timesheets while on site together.

    1.    Dial the phone number 03333 445 704

    2.    Allow the language professional to confirm who they are and the booking number for the timesheet they wish to submit.

    3.    You can then take the phone to follow the next series of messages and prompts to confirm the actual start and end times.

    You will need your booking PIN - which you can find in the body of the confirmation email and the photo timesheet received from thebigword.

    Confirm the booking with the WordSynk mobile application

    This is the fastest and simplest method for confirming the booking and can be completed instantly at the end of the appointment.

    After the appointment is completed, the language professional will access booking details on their smart phone app and enter the actual start and end times. The language professional will then hand the phone over to you and you can view the completed times. If you are happy that they are correct, authorise them by entering the unique PIN number which can be found on the copy of the timesheet you have received via email. Once you have approved the durations entered by the language professional, thebigword will process the payment.

    An e-receipt is then delivered to both you and the language professional confirming the timesheet duration has been validated on site and submitted.


    You can search for bookings using any of the options available within the Bookings section of the WordSynk Portal dashboard.

    Booking Search and Information

    Calendar View

    You can view the appointments in a monthly or day view by following these steps.

    Calendar View


    After the booking is fulfilled, you can find out more information about the language professional allocated to your booking using the Interpreter Summary option.

    Viewing the Interpreter Summary


    For users with the right access level, WordSynk allows you to create a booking on the behalf of someone else.

    Booking on behalf of another user


    Once an language professional is assigned to a booking, you will receive an email notification containing an attachment of the language professional’s photo timesheet. This confirms an language professional has been assigned to your booking and will include all relevant information about the language professional.

    This will include a photo ID and details about the language professional so they can be identified when they arrive for the appointment. It will also include your unique PIN number which can be used to authorise timesheets for actual start and end times delivered.

    The timesheet must be completed with the language professional when the appointment is completed to confirm the time they have worked and their attendance.

    Submit the actual appointment duration How to review a timesheet when the language professional has submitted actual timesResolve actual duration dispute

    After the appointment is complete

    Timesheet disputes

    By using the automated systems, we remove the risk of timesheet disputes as both parties are present at the time when actual durations are submitted. If there is a dispute, you will be sent an email requesting further information about the appointment and thebigword will contact the language professional to obtain a signed timesheet in order to resolve the dispute.

    The target time-scale to resolve a dispute is 3 working days. If the language professional or court still wish to challenge the times please email: [email protected] for further investigation.

    It is a timed authorisation process and you will be notified by the system with how long you have to respond, amend or authorise the timesheet. If you do not respond in the allocated time, the timesheet will be automatically processed and you will be invoiced against those submitted times.

    Witness Statements

    Depending on the appointment, you may need the language professional to produce a written and/or signed witness statement. Language professionals are briefed on this possibility and are trained to understand what is required.

    If you require a written and/or signed witness statement, please include this request in the Information to Interpreter option in the booking form.

    If this is not anticipated during the booking process, please inform the language professional of what will be required at the beginning of the appointment so they are properly briefed and prepared.


    After the timesheets have been confirmed, they will then be processed and an invoice will be raised.

    If you have any issues with the invoices, please contact the Helpdesk on 03333 445 701 or email [email protected].


    Multiple languages and/or language professionals

    If your booking requires multiple languages and/or language professionals, this can be done through the Master Booking stage within the new WordSynk Portal. Follow the steps below to do this.

    Multiple languages and/or language professionals

    Multi-day bookings

    If you require a language professional for more than one day (to attend a trial for example), please tick the Multi-Day Booking option on the booking form. This will open a new field and enable you to make a booking over a set number of days. Once a multi-day booking has been created, to modify the booking, please contact the Helpdesk on 03333 445 701.

    Create an Interpreter Booking for multiple interpreters and/or multiple days

    Using the same language professional

    If the same language professional is required for the duration of the booking, you can search for specific professionals under the Requested Interpreter option in the booking form. We will try to accommodate this request but we cannot guarantee the language professional required would be available for all required dates. If a professional is not available for the full duration of the booking the Helpdesk team will contact the venue to discuss whether it is acceptable for a different professional to be used based on the type of appointment.

    Excluding a professional to avoid conflict of interest

    Using the booking form, you can search for specific language professionals under the Interpreter(s) not to use field to select the language professional you want to exclude from the appointment. The search feature will help you identify the relevant professional for exclusion. These may be professionals with a conflict of interest or whose impartiality may be compromised by previous involvement in related cases.

    Overlapping bookings

    We have recently introduced additional technology into our systems to assist with the management of last minute bookings please dial the dedicated Telephone Interpreting number on 03333 445 702 and input your one time passcode provided in the email booking confirmation. You will be transferred to a Call Centre Agent who will connect you to your booked language professional for language professionals who are already onsite. These changes have been implemented to minimise the risk of duplicated payments for a language professional’s time and should not have a significant impact on your way of working.

    You should continue to ensure that a booking is raised for each appointment required and that any durations are confirmed as quickly as possible following the completion of the booking, especially if it has finished early. A language professional can also attend a booking during a break by adding break times in their original booking – this can be done in the portal by the language professional, the client or the helpdesk agents. Working in this way will help to ensure that the language professional availability is up to date and the linguist can be assigned to any last minute or additional bookings at your venue as appropriate.


    When your situation calls for immediate support, thebigword’s Telephone Interpreting solution is available 24/7/365 and will connect you with a language expert in more than 250 languages.

    We appreciate having to deal with someone with limited English can be challenging and this system means you instantly have someone on the phone who can help you through this difficult process.

    You can contact the dedicated Telephone Interpreting service on 03333 445 702.

    How to pre-book Telephone Interpreting

    A Telephone Interpreting session can be pre-booked using WordSynk. This is a cost-effective solution in comparison to face-to-face bookings and can suit a large number of situations.

    It is recommended you pre-book a Telephone Interpreting session when rare languages are needed to ensure someone is available on the date and time required.

    How to Pre-Book Telephone Interpreting

    At the time of the booking

    Dial the dedicated Telephone Interpreting number on 03333 445 702 and input your one time passcode provided in the email booking confirmation. You will be transferred to a Call Centre Agent who will connect you to your booked language professional.

    Then Press (1) to record the call or (0) to be instantly connected to an expert interpreting that language. You can now continue with your conversation with the non-English speaker.

    Benefits of Telephone Interpreting

    Telephone Interpreting can be accessed on demand, it provides instant access to language support, allowing you to communicate with anyone.

    It is also extremely simple to use, allowing you to identify the language and then connect to a qualified language professional within seconds. This means you can always provide support to non-English speakers even if they call or turn up at your premises without warning.

    The system uses skill-based routing to connect the call to a language professional with the right skills, qualifications and security levels.

    How does Telephone Interpreting work?

    As a client you will receive an e-mail with your access code, PIN number and telephone number to use to dial in and then select the right language code.

    You are then instantly connected to a qualified language professional who will expertly interpret your conversation, allowing you to communicate quickly and effectively.

    Preparing for a Telephone Interpreting Call

    First, identify the language you need. If it’s not clear from the associated paperwork which language you will need support with, try to communicate with a non-English speaker.

    Identify the language and language code

    Ask them which country they are from to narrow down the potential languages See if they can say which language they need help with, you could also use a map or chart with flags to ask where they are from.

    After you have identified the language, look up the language code from the list you will have been provided.

    If you are unable to identify the language, dial the Telephone Interpreting number on 03333 445 702 and then dial 700# and you’ll be connected to our specialist team of language identifiers who will assist in connecting you to the correct language professional.

    Have your access and pin code ready

    You should have already been provided with an access and pin code for Telephone Interpreting by thebigword, but if you need to register, please contact the Helpdesk on 03333 445 701. You can also access this within WordSynk.

    Your dual handset or speaker phone

    For telephone interpreting appointments when the non-English speaker is present, it is worth using a dual handset or speaker phone so all parties can hear the language professional and you don’t have to hand the phone back and forth, risking missing a part of the conversation.

    Preparing for a Telephone Interpreting Call

    1. Dial the dedicated Telephone Interpreting number on 03333 445 702 and follow the instructions.

    1. Enter your unique access code when prompted. If you don’t have an access code, please contact the Helpdesk/

    1. Enter the PIN number followed by #.

    1. Enter the language code from the Language list provided.

    2. Press (1) to record the call or (0) to be instantly connected to an expert language professional within that language. You can now continue with your conversation with the non-English speaker.

    Language codes

    To connect to a three-way call

    To dial the third party, press the (*) key then press (1); enter the number you wish to dial and confirm the number when prompted. If the user does not answer the call you can leave a voicemail or press the (*) key then press (3) to redial the same number.

    To try a different number or release the third party call, press the * key then press (2). Press the (*) key and then press (1) to start a new three-way call. Press the (*) key then (9) at any point to listen to the instructions again.

    Hints and tips for using Telephone Interpreting

    Brief the Language professional – Tell the language professional the name of the non-English speaker, the topic to discuss and any relevant information.

    Identify the language professional’s supplier code – Make sure you are aware of the supplier code in case the call is unexpectedly dropped or you need to provide feedback or address any other issue.

    Keep control – Manage the conversation and provide direction and advice.

    Asking questions – You can ask the language professional to recap or clarify anything in the session.

    Speak clearly – Help the language professional to understand you easily and avoid using jargon. Speak directly to the non-English speaker, making the conversation as natural as possible.

    Be inclusive – Remember, everyone can hear all parts of the conversation so be respectful and avoid engaging the language professional in lengthy discussions that the non-English speaker cannot understand.

    Be prepared – Provide somewhere private for the conversation to take place if necessary, make sure you have all of the information you need and brief the language professional at the start of the conversation.

    Using Telephone Interpreting in a contact centre

    Ask the caller their language.

    Place the caller on hold – While you connect to the service.

    Let the language professional know the reason for the call – Once connected.

    Reconnect the caller – Using the conference call facility and allow the language professional to introduce themselves.

    Top tips

    Direct your questions to your client/caller – Make the conversation as natural as possible.

    Speak clearly and distinctly – Help the language professional to understand you easily.

    Language differences – A short sentence from you may appear longer when communicated in another language.

    Be patient – It can take a little time for the language professional to build rapport with the caller. You can interrupt if you feel the conversation has digressed.


    Our high-speed video interpreting service gives you instant access to trained interpreting professionals, specialising in spoken or sign language services via digital face-to-face media.

    Create a Video Remote Interpreting Booking


    WordSynk is fast, simple and available 24/7/365 to make or view bookings and access reports. It is a secure platform, protecting all of your details, and offers complete visibility over your language professional bookings.

    This user guide details all of the features available in WordSynk. Some features may not be available for your organisation. If you wish to set up new features, this can be arranged by contacting your Account Manager.

    Cancelling an appointmentEdit existing bookingPartially accepted appointments

    Understanding the differences between Standard, Complex and Complex Written bookings

    The new categories reflect the level and skill needed from language professionals and rates of pay rise accordingly.

    Each new work appointment from thebigword will be clearly identified under these categories created by the Ministry of Justice so language professionals clearly understand what they are taking and the rate of pay they can expect.

    Every potential appointment has been categorised by the Ministry of Justice and here we provide an outline of how each type of booking will be classified.


    Standard bookings are typically proceedings which do not involve the giving of evidence. These include plea and direction sessions, applications to the court and preliminary hearings.


    Complex bookings are more serious and in-depth and will require a greater commitment and level of skill from the qualified language professionals. These bookings include trials, appeals and sentencing hearings.

    Complex Written

    Complex Written bookings will incorporate both interpreting and translation. These cases will involve spoken interpretation, plus translation of written evidence or statements.


    General questions

    What if I forget my log in details?

    Your user name is your e-mail address. You can reset your password at any time from the login screen. Simply click Forgotten Password? and enter you email address. You will receive an e-mail with instructions on how to reset your password.

    Face to Face Interpreting questions

    How do we book a Face to Face language professional?

    thebigword has an online booking service called WordSynk. This has been set up for all individuals within the Ministry of Justice and unique log in details have been sent to all contacts who need to book language professionals. If you have not received your log in details, please contact the Helpdesk on 03333 445 701 or email [email protected]

    How do I cancel or amend a booking?

    All bookings made through WordSynk can be amended or cancelled 12hrs before the booking starts. Simply open the booking and edit the details or cancel it as needed. If you need to cancel or amend a booking within the 12hr before the booking starts you should contact the Helpdesk on 03333 445 701, email [email protected], or contact your service admin.

    Can I book the same professional again?

    When going through the booking process via WordSynk platform you can choose the Requested Interpreter option in the booking form. This will then allow you to search for a specific language professional.

    How do I access my booking details?

    The Dashboard the WordSynk portal will show all active bookings made by you. You can also use the Booking Search feature to show all of the bookings made within your organisation. This stops duplicate bookings and allows you to see other members of staff bookings should they be away from the office.

    How will I know that the language professional has been booked?

    Once we have selected a language professional for the booking, you will receive an email confirming the language professional details and an attached timesheet.

    What is the cost of a Face to Face language professional?

    The Ministry of Justice has a system for classifying bookings for qualified language professionals providing interpreting and translation services. Language professionals will be paid according to the type of booking they are assigned –Standard, Complex and Complex Written. The categories reflect the level and skill needed from interpreters and rates of pay rise accordingly.

    How to regenerate timesheet?

    In the event the PDF document does not load correctly, you can re-generate the timesheet using the follwing step by step guide.

    Re-Generate Timesheets for Bookings

    How to view changes made to a booking?

    If you want to know if any changes were made to a booking, who made the changes and what these were, you can follow this step by step guide.

    Access Event Log Details for Bookings

    How to view the coordinator assigned to a booking?

    If you want to know which coordinator is assigned to a booking, and assisting with sourcing an interpreter, you can follow this step by step guide.

    Enhanced Event Logs (Coordinator Information)

    Telephone Interpreting questions

    How do I start using Telephone Interpreting?

    You require an Access and PIN Code. Both of these are eight digit numbers that are unique to your organisation. It gives you immediate access to thebigword’s Telephone Interpreting service through your own personal account.

    Where do I obtain my Access and PIN?

    Your access code should have been provided by thebigword. If you have not received your access code, please contact the Helpdesk on 03333 445 701 or email [email protected]. These details can also be located under the Preference tab in WordSynk.

    What if I can’t identify the language I need interpreting?

    If you can’t identify the language you need interpreting, thebigword will do it for you. Once you enter your access code, simply dial 700# and you’ll be connected to our specialist team of language identifiers who will assist in connecting you to the correct language professional.

    Why can’t I speak to an operator?

    In order to improve efficiency, thebigword’s Telephone Interpreting service is fully automated and controlled through your telephone keypad, all you have to do is enter the appropriate codes to connect to the language professional you require, which means you don’t have to speak to an operator.

    My Access Code isn’t recognised. What do I do?

    Always ensure you enter your access code carefully, listen for the tone after you input each digit and always enter the # key at the end of your code. For assistance at any time please call 03333 445 701.

    It is an emergency and I need assistance - I can’t access the service but must speak to a language professional urgently.

    You can contact our emergency helpline 24/7 by calling 03333 445 701.

    What are the costs of telephone interpreting?

    Each call is charged per second, meaning you only pay for the time you are on the phone. This makes Telephone Interpreting much more cost-effective than other language solutions.

    Do I need special equipment?

    You can use any telephone which has a microphone and external loudspeaker or use an additional handset which is easily connected into the back of your phone.


    Create an Interpreter Booking for multiple interpreters and/or multiple days


    We welcome all of your feedback and will constantly work to improve the service and fulfil your needs. Similarly, please notify thebigword of any complaints so we can find a resolution and prevent similar issues from arising in the future.

    Providing feedback through WordSynk

    Submit Feedback and Request Application Support

    Providing feedback using the Helpdesk

    You can deliver feedback or complaints by contacting thebigword Helpdesk directly. Please call the Helpdesk on 03333 445 701 or email [email protected]

    Make sure you provide all relevant information including your contact and assignment details or service problem. All complaints are acknowledged within the first hour and resolved within 3 workings days.

    Feedback process


    Submit Feedback and Request Application Support


    Included here are links to all of the materials you may need for accessing language services from thebigword. You can get posters, desk guides and pocket guides for your office and team, access the other user guides for thebigword’s range of language services or view a range of video demonstrations to help you understand how to use each service.

    Paper support materials

    We’ve created a pack of materials to help you access our services whenever you need any language assistance. It is full of really useful items we think will be a big help. You can also view these digitally through the dedicated MoJ Microsite.


    The Ministry of Justice has a system for classifying bookings for qualified language professionals providing interpreting and translation services. Under the system, language professionals will be paid according to the type of booking they are assigned – Standard, Complex and Complex Written.


    Below is the full list of languages available for interpreting, translation and transcription and how these languages are displayed in portals you use. If the language required is not available in the system please contact the Help Desk at [email protected] or you can call 03333 445 701.



    Access code and PIN code

    Every identified member of Ministry of Justice staff will be issued with an access and PIN code to use when using Telephone Interpreting services. This unique code will be needed during the automated process of connecting to a language professional.

    Appointment type

    Every potential appointment has been identified by the Ministry of Justice and you will be asked to select the relevant appointment type when completing the Booking Form.

    Automated Telephone Line

    Allows language professionals and end clients to validate timesheets at the end of a face-to-face interpretation appointments. Dial 03333 445 704 and follow the instructions. You will need your unique access code and PIN to complete.


    A menu button on the WordSynk system that provides information about all active language professional bookings.

    Face-To-Face Interpreting

    A session where a language professional attends your location and provides language support in person, interpreting what you and the limited English speaker are saying.


    thebigword has a dedicated team of experts on a Helpdesk to help you overcome any issues and answer any questions. The Helpdesk can be contacted on 03333 445 701 or via email at [email protected]

    ID Badge

    Every Ministry of Justice language professional is issued with a personal identification badge that includes an image of the language professional and all relevant information about the work they are cleared to complete.

    Interpreter Code

    Every language professional is equipped with a Supplier Code. Please make a reference of a supplier code in case you need to provide feedback/ want to work with the interpreter again.

    Language Code

    Every language available through Telephone Interpreting has a unique Language Code. You will need to use this code to access the language you need.

    Language Identifiers

    If you are unable to identify the language and you need support with, thebigword has a specialist team of language identifiers who will do this for you. They can be contacted by calling Telephone Interpreting on 03333 445 702 and then dialling 700#.

    Limited English Speaker

    Someone with limited English skills who will need the support of a language professional to effectively communicate with anyone working for the Ministry of Justice.

    Mobile Application

    A mobile application for Ministry of Justice language professionals provided by thebigword that allows language professionals and clients to validate timesheets at the end of a face-to-face interpretation appointments.

    Multi-Day Booking

    The Multi-Day Booking option is available on the Booking Form and is used if you require an language professional for more than one day, to attend something like a trial for example. If required, tick the Multi-Day Booking option. This will open a new field to enable you to make a booking over a set number of days.

    Standard, Complex and Complex Written

    The Ministry of Justice has a system for classifying bookings for qualified language professionals providing interpreting and translation services.

    Under the new system, language professionals will be paid according to the type of booking they are assigned – Standard, Complex and Complex Written.

    Target Language

    The language you need the language professional to be able to communicate in and support the non- English speaker.

    Telephone Interpreting

    Instant access to expert language professionals over the phone who will provide language support, interpreting what is being said between you and the non-English speaker you are communicating with.


    Every language professional attending a face-to-face interpreting appointment is issued with a timesheet. The end user also receives a copy of the timesheet to confirm the booking and get all of the information they need about the language professional. The timesheet must be validated by both the end client and the language professional at the end of the appointment.

    Unique PIN

    Every member of Ministry of Justice staff will be issued with unique PIN to use when using face-to- face interpreting services. This unique code can be used to validate language professional timesheets and complete the booking. If you do not have a unique PIN, contact the Helpdesk on 03333 445 701 or via email at [email protected].

    Video Remote Interpreting (VRI)

    An exclusive service that is only available at selected courts offering video conferencing facilities. In this service, a language professional will attend a court close to their location that offers video conferencing facilities and then provide interpreting services to a court in another location via video link. To create a VRI booking, please follow the steps as shown on page 12.


    WordSynk is thebigword’s online system for accessing interpreting services. It is fast, simple and available 24/7/365 to make bookings or access reports on trends and spends. It is a secure platform, protecting all of your details and offers complete visibility and control over your language professional bookings.

    It also allows you to view all bookings and view a calendar to check future appointments. WordSynk can be accessed at