MagLab User System Guide

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Welcome to the MagLab!

We're excited to have you join our community as a new user. Registering as a new MagLab user for one or more of our facilities (AMRIS, DC, EMR, High B/T, ICR, NMR, and Pulsed) is a simple process that allows you to access our state-of-the-art facilities and resources.

How to register as a new MagLab user

Registering as a New MagLab User

9 Steps
Anke Toth

How to request magnet time (PROPOSAL/EXPERIMENT) as a Submitter

If you are interested in using a magnet for research purposes, you will need to request magnet time. Magnet time refers to the allocated time slot on the magnet where you can conduct your experiments or studies.

Proposals for NSF-funded research must be submitted with a first experiment. This allows users to start the experiment workflow and schedule magnet time before the proposal is reviewed.

If you are an AMRIS User and conduct Independently Funded research you do not need to submit a proposal, only the experiment.

Here are the steps to request magnet time:

How to request magnet time by submitting a proposal with its first experiment

35 Steps
Anke Toth

If you are an AMRIS User that is Independently funded, please start with the scribe below:

AMRIS (Independently Funded) Users Creating Experiments

8 Steps
Lauren Miller

How to request magnet time by duplicating an experiment on an approved proposal

23 Steps
Anke Toth

How to review PROPOSALS as a Review Manager or Facility Director

If you are a Facility Director or Review Manager for the Open Review Process, you will need to confirm the information provided in the FAIR Data Management Form in order to end the proposal review.

Complete FAIR Data Management Form for Proposal Review

5 Steps
Lauren Miller

Opening the Review Process and Setting Reviewers as the Review Manager

18 Steps
Lauren Miller

Closing the Review Process as the Review Manager

11 Steps
Lauren Miller

How to review PROPOSALS

If you are a Reviewer for the Open Review Process, you will need to review the proposal workflow.

Reviewing PROPOSALS as a Reviewer

11 Steps
Lauren Miller

How to review EXPERIMENTS

If you are a Facility Manager for the Review Process, you will need to open the review process, set reviewers, and end the review. The reviewers will most likely be Facility Coordinators.

Opening the reviewing process for EXPERIMENTS as a Facility Manager

10 Steps
Lauren Miller

Reviewing EXPERIMENTS as the Facility Coordinator

15 Steps
Lauren Miller

Ending the reviewing process for EXPERIMENTS as a Facility Manager

7 Steps
Lauren Miller

How to schedule EXPERIMENTS as a Facility Director or Facility Manager

If you are a Facility Manager or Facility Director, you will need to schedule the experiment based on their possible and preferred dates.

Schedule EXPERIMENTS as a Facility Director or Facility Manager

21 Steps
Lauren Miller

Steps to take after the EXPERIMENT is performed

Recording Usage

Recording Usage as the Facility Director or Manager

14 Steps
Lauren Miller

Reporting Publications

Peer-reviewed publications and advanced degrees are two of the strongest measures of the lab's productivity. Users and faculty are encouraged to report these activities as they occur throughout the year via as the final step in their experiment.

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