Send the new hire a welcome email/ welcome package.
Send the new hire the agenda for first week of work.
Share the employee handbook with the new hire
Ask the new hire to keep the following documents ready.
Ensure HR has sent the new hire the following paperwork (to be completed on or before day 1)
Schedule human resource orientation.
Schedule finance orientation.
Schedule IT orientation.
Send an email to the team introducing the new hire.
Create a welcome video/ message for the new hire. (video template below)
Ensure the employee has arrived.
Do a quick catch-up an explain the first-day orientation process.
Arrange an office tour.
Ensure the workspace is ready an office supplies are in place.
Introduce the employee to the team.
Insure the orientation sessions happen on time.
Conduct a one-on-one with the employee at the end of the day.
Schedule a welcome meeting or team lunch to welcome the new employee
Introduce the new hire to the onboarding buddy.
Inform the employee about the upcoming team meetings.
Ensure the new hire complete organizational training
Company culture, mission and vision.
Company policies and processes.
Compliance training - information security, data privacy, and workplace safety.
Schedule project specific training sessions.
Ensure the new employee has regular one-on-one's with the mentor/onboarding buddy (Help your new hire schedule meetings. Share a Scribe with them to see how to check the collogues calendar)
Ensure the employee knows how to use team's collaboration tools. (Create an include Scribes for your team's specific tools here. Here are a few examples.)
Assign meaningful tasks and set performance goals.
Define metrics to measure the performance of the employee
Discuss the tasks with employees before assigning them.
Ensure the employee has all the tools to perform their tasks. (Collate all job-specific tools here so that it's easy for you to share it with your new hire. Here are a few examples)
Schedule a recurring one-on-one meeting every week for the first three months.
Track the performance against the performance goals.
Schedule one-on-one with the mentors to understand the new hire's progress.
Schedule one-on-one with the new hire for feedback.
Create and share surveys to capture the new hire's feedback.