The Negotiated Salary Trial Program (NSTP) is a general campus negotiated salary plan that allows eligible faculty to voluntarily contribute external funding sources toward their total UC salary, with the negotiated salary amount funded through external sources. The amount of negotiated salary is capped at 30% of the scale-based salary. The total negotiated salary is effective for a one-year period corresponding with the University fiscal cycle of July 1 through June 30.
This guide provides reference to materials available for transactions for NSTP employees. You may want to refer to the following additional resources, as needed:
UCLA Central Resource Unit (CRU)/Payroll Partner website – access recent communications, UCPath Updates Hub, training materials, and user support.
UCLA Academic Personnel Office – UCLA APO NSTP home page links to program information, Call for Applications, implementation procedures, APO-created job aids and FAQ.
UCPath Help for Locations – content repository managed by UCPath Center containing conceptual content, UCPath Center-created Job Aids, and UCPath simulations.
HR Initiator is responsible for entering job earnings distribution (JED) in UCPath. Follow the step-by-step instructions for the following topic on the UCPath Help for Locations site.
Initiate Full Hire Template Transaction (Acad): Use this task to add NSTP earn codes while entering a new hire job record. The following table identifies the Comp Rate Codes and associated Earn Codes.
NOTE: Generating an accurate paycheck is determined by values entered in the Job Compensation sections on the Job Data tab on the Hire template or the Additional Pay Data tab of a PayPath transaction. Funding Entry has no impact on compensation or pay.
HR Initiator is responsible for entering job earnings distribution (JED) in UCPath. Follow the step-by-step instructions for the following topic on the UCPath Help for Locations site.
Initiate Job Earnings Distribution PayPath Transaction (Acad): Use this task to add NSTP earn codes to an existing job record. The previous table identifies the Comp Rate Codes and associated Earn Codes.
NOTE: Generating an accurate paycheck is determined by values on the Job Data tab and the Additional Pay Data tab of a PayPath transaction. Funding Entry has no impact on compensation or pay.
Department Fund Manager is responsible for funding entry in UCPath. Click the appropriate title to view the step-by-step guide to add the FAUs to be charged for each earn code and for OTC and non-OTC salary.
What is the "Guide Me" option to view Scribes?
UCPath NSTP Funding Entry quick reference guide
UCPath Funding Entry Page quick reference guide
Is required for an MCOP employee if paid on capped funds and total UC salary exceeds the cap rate.
Is recommended for an employee paid on capped funds and total UC salary is close to exceeding the cap rate. If the employee receives a salary increase in the future that exceeds the cap rate, then the E-104 Funding Reallocation process will pick up the compensation change, reallocate the funding within the worksheet, and auto generate the over-the-cap rows.
Is recommended for an MCOP employee not paid on capped funds. Built-in edits ensure 199XX funds do not get distributed to X’ and Y. Logic fills the X component, then X’, then Y when there are funding distribution rows with blank earn codes.
Is recommended for a non-MCOP employee paid on capped funds.
NOTE: Dollar amounts on the worksheet may not exceed:
Prorated monthly pay (calculated against FTE).
Percentage of total monthly pay associated with each earn code.
Funding should be entered in UCPath before the effective date whenever possible. If the effective date is in the past, you must enter a Salary Cost Transfer transaction to correct the funding for any payrolls processed between the effective date and the current date. Click the appropriate title to view the step-by-step guide to transfer salary and associated benefits and tax expenses to different FAUs.
Quick Reference Guide - Salary Cost Transfer
Job Aid: How to Submit Salary Cost Transfer - Restricted Funds
Quick Reference Guide – UCPath Direct Retro Page at UCLA
Job Aid - How to Submit Direct Retro
Refer to the following resources for funding for positions without NSTP.