New project management checklist | Scribe

    New project management checklist

      This Scribe Page is for new project managers to help them manage their first project successfully.

      Step 1: Understand and manage the expectations of project stakeholders

      Objective: This step is to help new project managers support stakeholders throughout the project process.

      How to keep stakeholders reassured:

      • Identify who the major stakeholders are.

      • Identify the communication channel each stakeholder prefers.

      • Engage stakeholders before making crucial decisions.

      Step 2: Create the project’s goals and objectives

      Objective: Create time-bound, attainable and specific goals you can measure when you complete the project.

      SMART goals will help you know if:

      • Your project succeeded.

      • You met the project's vision and objectives.

      • You missed your targets.

      Step 3: Design the project plan

      Objective: Create a project plan to help you complete the project on time and within budget.

      Tasks to complete in this step:

      • Define the what, why and standard operating procedures (SOPs) of the project.

      • Write the project goals and implement stakeholder requirements.

      • Define the tasks you need to complete to accomplish each deliverable.

      • Create the project schedule using a Gantt chart.

      • Define the communication channels everyone should use during the project.

      Step 4: Determine the project budget

      Objective: Determine the budget to help stakeholders know how much money you need and when you'll need it.

      What to consider in this step:

      • Cost estimates for capital expenditures, operating expenses, direct, indirect and project deliverables costs.

      • Budget contingency (emergency fund for the unforeseen).

      • Budget monitoring.

      Step 5: Monitor the project’s progress and performance

      Objective: Track the project’s progress and performance to ensure its heading in the right direction.

      Tasks to complete in this step:

      • Use a project management tool to generate automatic reports.

      • Make the project transparent to every team member.

      • Make a project schedule for yourself to track the goals you’ve created with your team.

      Congratulations. You’ve successfully completed the essential steps of managing a project. Keep revisiting this Page and collate your learning resources on this Page.

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