Print / Copy @ NPAS

    🔳 When should I use the Workroom Printer / Copier?

    Use the workroom printer / copier for quick, small quantities. Staff members are allocated $50 each school year for workroom copies ($0.03 for each copy, black & white only). To print from the workroom copier, select the printer destination: NP_Print on printnp

    Send Print Job to Workroom Copier

    6 Steps

    🔳 Is there a limit to the number of copies I can send to the workroom copier?

    Yes, each workroom print job is limited to 50 copies. Send large jobs to the CEC Copy Center.

    🔳 Can I send print jobs to the workroom copier from home?

    No, workroom print jobs must be submitted at school from a school computer.

    🔳 How do I scan paper copies into digital files?

    If you have a paper copy, you can scan the document and convert it into a digital file. The video below demonstrates the process.

    🔳 How do I send print jobs to the CEC Copy Center?

    Use the CEC Copy Center for bulk print jobs. In most cases, the Copy Center staff will have your copies delivered to your school PO box within 24 hours. These copies do not count against the $50 annual allocation. To send print jobs to the CEC Copy Center, select the printer destination: Canon PRISMAdirect

    🔳 How do I request "sets" of copies for each teacher on my grade level team?

    For example, if there are five (5) teachers on the 2nd grade team, one teacher can submit a print job for 25 copies. In the "Remarks" text box, the teacher will type "5 sets of 25" and receive 125 copies, separated into 5 sets of 25 copies.

    🔳 Is there a limit to the number of copies I can send to the CEC Copy Center?

    Unlike the workroom copier, there is no limit to the number of copies you can send to the CEC Copy Center. Please request only the number of copies you will need. Your school / department is billed back for the number of copies requested.

    🔳 What are the different print options, and how do I print a booklet?

    When you use PRISMAdirect to send pint jobs to the CEC Copy Center, the initial screen displays a variety of print options. The most basic is Unstapled Prints, but you can also choose from a variety of booklets. View the videos tutorials below for detailed instructions.

    🔳 Can I send print jobs to the CEC Copy Center from home?

    Yes, but the process is slightly different. At home, you will not have the option to select the Canon PRISMAdirect printer. Instead, you will need to follow the steps listed below:

    1. Covert the document to a PDF file

    2. Upload the PDF to the PRISMAdirect Copy Center (from the Staff Resources page)

    Convert Google Docs to PDF

    Google Docs
    3 Steps

    Upload a PDF to the Copy Center

    12 Steps

    🔳 How do I print to the CEC Copy Center if I only have a paper copy?

    If you have a paper copy, you can scan the document, convert it into a digital file, and print the digital file as you would with any other document on your computer:

    1. Scan the paper copy, 

    2. Send to Myself, 

    3. Save to Google Drive, 

    4. Canon PRISMAdirect, 

    5. Submit online printshop order form

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