Production Management (NCIS) | Scribe

    Production Management (NCIS)

      Production Management, also known as NCIS, is an advanced platform designed to effectively manage recipes, ingredients, and food production. It manages the entire production journey, starting from item receipt and progressing through cooking, label printing, dispatch, and delivery.

      In this channel, you will find Scribes to assist you in using the system effectively. We are constantly striving to improve our training resources, and we value any feedback you may have. You can give feedback on a Scribe by clicking the smiley face icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.

      If you require help with a process not currently covered here, please let us know and we can produce it on demand.


      The Food Production ProcessLabel Printing

      Placing and Receipting Orders

      Place a Supplier OrderAmend a Supplier OrderAccept or Reject a Supplier Order


      Recipe Administration

      To add a new recipe, follow these steps:

      1. Add the item to the system. The item must be set up before you can add the recipe.

        Add a Production Item
        1. If the item is used in a bulk food service, you may need to add container information to the item.

          Add Container Information to an Item
      1. Add the recipe

        Add a Recipe
      1. Add ingredients to the recipe. If your ingredients aren't already in the system, they need to be added before they can be included in the recipe. See "Ingredient Administration" below for guidance.

      1. Add the recipe steps. These outline the preparation instructions and appear on production screens.

        Add Recipe Steps

      By following the above steps, you can create a basic recipe with ingredient quantities and production instructions.

      For accurate recipe information, follow the below steps:

      1. Configure the recipe portion sizes, yield and any weight changes. This information determines the number of portions produced and the nutritional values per portion.

        Configure Portion Sizes, Yield and Weight Change for a Recipe
      1. Assign allergen information to the recipe. Although this information should automatically carry over from the ingredients, it's important to verify its accuracy. This information will appear on production labels and patient order screens.

        Assign Allergen Information to a Recipe
      2. Set nutritional and dietary information for the recipe. The system can compare nutritional values to BDA guidelines and automatically assign the relevant diet coding, or you can set this manually.

        Set Recipe Nutritional and Dietary Information
      Print a Recipe

      Ingredient Administration

      To add a new ingredient, follow these steps:

      1. Add the ingredient.

        Add an Ingredient
      1. Add supplier information and purchase packs to the ingredient. This allows the ingredient to be used in the automated stock order process. You can also link an item to an integration with the supplier database, which means you will be automatically alerted to any price changes.

        Add Supplier Information and Purchase Packs to an Ingredient
      1. Link the ingredient to a supplier database to access allergen and nutritional information. This step is crucial, as the ingredient allergen information will be automatically updated in the system if the supplier makes changes, and this information will pull through to your recipes.

        Assign Allergen and Nutritional Information to an Ingredient

      Production Administration

      Production schedules and templates work together to dictate production.Production templates should be set up before production schedules, as you are required to add the template to the schedule.

      1. Add the production template. The templates control what is produced

      Production Templates
      1. Add the production schedules. The schedules control when the stock is produced

      Production Schedules

      Finance Integration with Suppliers

      Some suppliers have an integration with Synbiotix. This means that orders can be placed with them from within the Synbiotix system. Additionally, the integration means any supplier price changes can be easily applied in Synbiotix, removing the need for manual item updates.

      The first step is to import the finance catalogue. You may need to periodically re-import the finance catalogue to reflect any changes to pricing and items, or the supplier may do this automatically.

      Import a Finance Catalogue

      You will then need to map all your Synbiotix items to the corresponding finance item. Once you've done this, you can apply supplier price changes to items without having to manually amend every item individually.

      Add Supplier Information and Purchase Packs to an Ingredient

      When any changes come through to Synbiotix from the supplier, you will need to review and approve or reject them.

      Import Finance Items (Review Changes to a Catalogue)

      Other Administration

      ContainersCPU ContainersProvisionsStock Adjustment ReasonsUnit of Measure


      TROUBLESHOOTING: Change an Existing Item to a Production ItemTROUBLESHOOTING: No Estimated Portions

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