[DELETE AFTER READING: Here is a generic template that you can use to outline and share an Operational Manual using Scribe. You can learn more about Scribe here and see how to duplicate and use this template here.]
Section 1
Created By: Document no.: Risk assessment no.:
Initial issue Date: Current version: Next review date:
Authorization required to perform the task:
Name of the supervisor(s) and any necessary signatures and dates
Section 2
List any potential hazards, preventative actions and responsive procedures.
Write a brief overview here.
Prevention and Safety Protocols
Link to or list protocols below.
Emergency Procedure
Include the following:
Emergency contact
Emergency response procedure
Outline specific step-by-step instructions. Include images or extra details when necessary. We recommend breaking down each task into phases.
Here's an example of step-by-step instructions created by Scribe.
Write a brief overview here.
Phase 1: <Name>
Here is an example of a Scribe you could add to show how the work is done.
Phase 2: <Name>
Here is a placeholder Scribe that you can replace with your own workflow.
Write a brief overview here.
Phase 1: <Name>