Situational or Risk Management Communication Plan [Template]

    [DELETE AFTER READING: Here is a generic template that you can use to outline and share step-by-step guides using Scribe. You can learn more about Scribe here and see how to duplicate and use this template here.]

    Effective communication is crucial in managing a crisis or incident. A communication plan is an essential tool that helps an organization to communicate effectively with stakeholders in a timely and coordinated manner.

    This template provides a structure for creating a situational or risk management communication plan that can be tailored to meet the organization's specific needs. The plan should be regularly reviewed and updated to ensure it is ready to be implemented when needed.

    Communication Plan Situation

    This section should describe the situation that is prompting the need for a communication plan. This could include details about a crisis, incident, or potential threat that could impact the organization.

    Level of Urgency: (1-4)

    This section should indicate the level of urgency associated with the situation. This could be a numerical rating system, with 1 being the least urgent and 4 being the most urgent.


    This section should identify the key stakeholders or individuals affected by the situation, as well as the person or group responsible for driving the communication plan (DRI).

    Objectives & Goals:

    This section should outline the objectives and goals of the communication plan. This could include information about what the organization hopes to achieve by communicating about the situation, such as maintaining trust and credibility with stakeholders or minimizing the situation's impact.

    Messaging, Required actions & content:

    This section should provide detailed information about the messaging and content that will be communicated, as well as any required actions that stakeholders should take in response to the situation.

    Link to or write down any messaging as needed. You can also link to any Youtube, Gong or Loom videos, like this one:

    As for actions, include any processes or digital workflows related to the effort by auto-generating step-by-step guides with Scribe. Here's how:

    How to create step-by-step guides with Scribe

    1. Required action #1

    Give a brief description, then insert a Scribe in the placeholder below.

    Click to replace with a Scribe

    2. Required action #2

    Give a brief description, then insert a Scribe in the placeholder below.

    Click to replace with a Scribe

    3. Required action #3

    Give a brief description, then insert a Scribe in the placeholder below.

    Click to replace with a Scribe

    Due date/ frequency

    This section should indicate when communication will take place, and how often updates will be provided.

    ***Keep in mind that this is a template and it may be adjusted according to the specific situation or organizational needs. This plan should be reviewed, updated and tested regularly to ensure it's readiness to be used when needed.

    Click to replace with a Scribe