PECOS is the Scottish National Procurement system. Previously, users had to place their order in the Synbiotix NCIS system and then manually transfer them into PECOS. With the integration between Synbiotix and PECOS, orders can now be directly placed through Synbiotix. These orders are automatically forwarded to PECOS.
Upon receiving the order, the supplier prepares and delivers it. Any discrepancies in quantity are noted in Synbiotix, which then updates the purchase order automatically. This updated purchase order is sent to PECOS for invoicing and payment.
Additionally, the integration with PECOS means any supplier price changes can be easily applied in Synbiotix, removing the need for manual item updates.
In this channel, you will find Scribes to assist you in using the system effectively. We are constantly striving to improve our training resources, and we value any feedback you may have. You can give feedback on a Scribe by clicking the smiley face icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.
If you require help with a process not currently covered here, please let us know and we can produce it on demand.
The first step is to import the finance catalogue. You won't be able to perform any of the following processes without this. You will need to periodically re-import the finance catalogue to reflect any changes to pricing and items.
Import a Finance CatalogueYou will then need to map all your Synbiotix items to the corresponding finance (PECOS) item. Once you've done this, you can apply supplier price changes to items without having to manually amend every item individually.
Link an Item to PECOSOnce you've set up your finance catalogue and linked all items to finance items, you can place orders to your suppliers and receipt deliveries directly through Synbiotix.
Place a PECOS Supplier OrderAmend a PECOS Supplier OrderAccept or Reject a PECOS Supplier Order