DELETE AFTER READING: Here's a generic template that you can outline and share with Scribe.
Product Name:
Write a high-level overview of what the technical document will cover. Mention any key stakeholders in the process and include links to relevant resources, like design documents, API documentation or project plans.
V1.0: [Changes]
V0.2: [Changes]
V0.1: [Changes]
Describe the scope this documentation will cover. Include any limitations or dependencies that will influence how the reader prioritizes and approaches their process.
List any tools or accounts readers need access to before beginning the workflow described in the document.
Include a link to the tool and onboarding instructions the reader should follow.
Add a list of acceptance criteria the finished product must meet before completion, including product features and functionalities it must have.
For a design-focused technical document, include UI mockups or UX diagrams showing the intended user experience you should strive to create.
Provide detailed instructions outlining how readers should complete the workflows for each task. Add links to other guidelines or documents wherever they can add helpful context. If needed, include code samples and examples readers might need to understand the API or tool they’re using.
Add instructions for workarounds to known issues and common errors.
Describe a known issue, add a screenshot and outline a workaround for it.
Include links to additional user guides or onboarding documents that might give readers information they can use to complete the task better.