Using Fieldbook for Geo-Activities with the Reach RX.

    • EmlidEmlid


    This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) provides guidelines for GeoTagging and GeoNavigation in Fieldbook. GeoTagging involves adding geographical coordinates to records, while GeoNavigation allows users to navigate to specific locations using these coordinates. Following this SOP will ensure accurate and efficient GeoTagging and GeoNavigation in Fieldbook.

    Preparing for GeoTagging and GeoNavigation

    Before beginning the GeoTagging and GeoNavigation process in Fieldbook, you will need to make sure you have all the appropriate equipment you will need and the software installed and setup on your mobile device or tablet.

    A. Obtain appropriate equipment

    • Reach RX Rover

    • Survey Backpack (optional)

    • Android Device

    • Wifi Connection (personal hotspot or available Wifi at your location)

    B. Install the Fieldbook application on your mobile device or tablet OR update the app to the most recent version.

    You can use the QR code below to navigate to the Google Play store to install on your device as a new app or to update.

    C. Add your target field to Fieldbook.

    Importing Field Layout Files to FieldbookCreating a New Field in Fieldbook

    D. Add traits to Fieldbook.

    Importing a Trait File and Creating a New Trait in Fieldbook

    E. Install the Emlid Flow application on your mobile device or tablet.

    You can use the QR code below to navigate to the Google Play store to install on your device.

    F. Add the appropriate NTRIP account in the Emlid Flow app.

    In order to receive corrections and obtain very accurate GPS coordinates using this protocol, you will need to sign up for a NTRIP account from your local NTRIP service provider. The following protocol will walk you through adding your account information to create a NTRIP profile in the Emlid Flow app.

    Adding a NTRIP Account to Emlid Flow

    Connect the Reach RX to the Mobile Device that will be used.

    Once you have setup your NTRIP profile, you can proceed to connecting your Reach RX to your mobile device or tablet using the following protocol:

    Connecting a Android Mobile Device or Tablet to a Reach RX

    Check the Firmware Version of the Reach RX that will be used.

    Many of the bugs that are encountered during the process of setting up and running the Reach RX can be addressed through updating the Firmware on the device. See:

    Check Firmware Version on the Reach RX

    Collecting GeoTags in Fieldbook

    This step is only required once on your target field and only needs to be redone if plots are replaced. Once GeoTags have been collected on your field, you are ready to start using them for GeoNavigation. This protocol assumes you have already imported/created your field and have traits uploaded/created in Fieldbook.

    Collecting GeoTags in Fieldbook

    Using GeoNavigation in FieldBook

    Once you have GeoTags collected on all of your plots/plants/subplots, you can start using GeoNavigation while collecting other phenotype data. This protocol assumes you have already imported/created your field and have traits uploaded/created in Fieldbook.

    GeoNavigation with Fieldbook.


    If you encounter any issues or errors during the GeoTagging or GeoNavigation process, try the following troubleshooting steps:

    - Ensure that your device has a stable Wifi connection.

    - Check that your Reach RX rover is connected to your mobile device or tablet. See: Connecting a Mobile Device or Android Tablet to a Reach RX

    -Make sure your Reach RX has been updated with the latest firmware. See: Check Firmware Version on the Reach RX

    -Ensure that the Fieldbook app has been updated to the most recent version.

    - If the problem persists, contact the Breeding Coordinator for further assistance.

    Additional Information

    For more information on the specifics of the Emlid Flow app and using the Reach RX rover, please check out the Emlid documentation page here.