Utopia Onboarding Guide | Scribe

    Utopia Onboarding Guide

    We’re so excited you’re using Utopia! Please see below for instructions for all major functionality on the platform. If you have any questions, please contact us anytime:

    Step 1 - Sign Up

    Create Account / Login: https://app.utopialabs.com

    Step 2 - Add Contributors

    Add contributors by sharing an invite link, so they can add themselves to your account and receive payments:

    • Example invite link: https://app.utopialabs.com/request/contributor/62992d5d59aaceb4b1ebecf2

    Step 3 - Create One-Time Payments

    Ask contributors to submit payment requests by sharing your payment request link, or create payments in the system yourself, manually:

    • Example payment request link: https://app.utopialabs.com/request/payment/617352c749a05795d345d54e

    Create Payment RequestShare & Customize Payment Requests

    Step 4 - Schedule Recurring Payments

    You can create a recurring payment by going to the “Recurring Payments” tab, and setting up a “Payment Plan” that generates scheduled payments that are ready for you to execute in batches:

    Create a Recurring Payment (i.e. Payroll)

    Step 5 - Execute Payment Transactions

    To send your accepted payments, use the “Transactions” page to have your multi-sig signers approve them. All transactions on Utopia are gasless, and only require signatures to send.

    Create & Execute Transactions

    Step 6 - Customize Settings

    In “Settings”, you can whitelist tokens in your Gnosis Safe, fully customize your payment request form to get exactly the information you need for each payment you make via Utopia, and add Administrators to your account:

    4. Settings

    Set up notifications via our Discord Bot:

    Utopia Discord Bot Setup

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