eTTP - Estimated Traceability to Plantation now links plots/concessions to company supply chains, along with associated risks from deforestation alerts, grievances, and Risk Insight reports.

      We call our methodology for identifying likely links from plots/concessions to mills "Estimated Traceability to Plantation" or "eTTP".

      eTTP attempts to establish the likelihood of a supply chain connection that is not based on company disclosures. This is why it is considered "estimated".

      Note: we will be revising our eTTP data soon to include likely supply chain links further than 25km. Please check back for updates, or contact [email protected] if you would like additional information on our planned improvements.

      eTTP has four tiers, from highest risk of a connection to lowest:

      1. The mill is located within the plot/concession boundary

        2. The plot/concession is within 25km of the mill and owned/operated by the same company or group

        3. The plot/concession is within 10km of the mill but with no known group or company ownership structure

        4. The plot/concession is within 25km of the mill but with no known group or company ownership structure

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