macOS Sonoma Update for Students - Summer 2024

      Starting Monday, June 10th 2024 students will start receiving notifications on their computers about an update to macOS Sonoma.

      These notifications will appear when the update has been downloaded to the student's computer and is ready for installation. All the student will need to do is enter their computer password (the password they use to login to the computer), commonly the student's MSIS number with two leading zeros.

      The Update Process

      This is what the prompt requesting for the student's password will look like. Simply input the password and click the restart button.

      This dialogue will then display letting you know your computer is about to restart. At this point, the student will have about a minute to save any open work. Note that any unsaved/open documents will be deleted during this process.

      Your computer will restart several times throughout the process of updating. There will be a progress bar to tell you how long until the upgrade is complete. The entire process typically takes less than 30 minutes.

      After the computer finishes updating, you will see the new macOS Sonoma login window. At this point, the update is complete and you can use your computer normally.

      Tips/Troubleshooting Tips for Updating

      Battery Issues

      If your computer has less than 20% battery, you will receive this warning before updating. Simply connect your computer to the charger in order to continue. It is always a good idea to leave your computer connected to the charger for the entire duration of the update. Especially if the battery is less than 50%.

      Storage Issues

      If your computer does not have enough storage to download the macOS Sonoma update, you will see this message. We recommend saving any unneeded files to your Google Drive and deleting them from your computer to free up storage. Commonly there are large media files you can delete, such as photos or videos. Click here to view the Apple recommended steps for freeing up storage space.

      Other Issues

      If you experience any other issues during the update process, please submit a technology request.