2025 Summer Safari Registration - DZCA | Scribe

    2025 Summer Safari Registration - DZCA

    • Emily Berglund |
    • 17 steps |
    • 3 minutes


    Go to <https://denverzoo.org/safari-camps/#summer-safari> and click on the blue "Register Now" button OR navigate directly to <https://my.denverzoo.org/events?kid=90>
    IMPORTANT! You need to log in to your DZCA Account before registering for camps.
    Enter your account info OR Create an Account--you do not need to be a member to create an account, accounts are for all customers! Then click "Login"
    If you have a scholarship or promo code, type it into the box *before* adding any camps to your cart.
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    Tip! If your code was accepted, you'll see a blue bar of text at the top of your screen describing how your code will affect your purchase.
    Click the calendar icon to navigate to your preferred camp date.
    Navigate to the correct month--camps start in May and run through early August. You can view the camp schedule at this site: <https://denverzoo.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/25-CLE-177_SummerSafari_Schedule_V1.1_JH_12-02-24.pdf>
    Navigate to the correct month--camps start in May and run through early August. You can view the camp schedule at this site: <https://denverzoo.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/25-CLE-177_SummerSafari_Schedule_V1.1_JH_12-02-24.pdf>
    Choose the camp for which you'd like to register your camper. Please check camp titles and eligible grades carefully! Campers must be registered for the **grade level they will enter in Fall 2025**.
    Select the number of campers you wish to enroll in this camp. Please remember **Parents/Guardians must register their own child to participate in Safari Camp**. Registering for a camper other than your own child will result in a **minimum administrative fee of $50 each to transfer registration(s)** to the appropriate parent/caregiver account.
    Read and confirm all required checklist items.
    Click "Add to Cart" If you have a discount or scholarship code, prices will be updated AFTER camps are added to your cart.
    After adding camp to your cart, you'll see a window for Add-ons, like additional t-shirts and Late Care. Add these to your cart, if you wish, before proceeding.
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    If you only want to register one camper, you can stop here! Please click the green "check out" button and enter your credit card info. You should receive a confirmation email shortly. If you have more campers to register, read on!


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    IMPORTANT: DO NOT Click "Continue Shopping" This will take you to the main Zoo admission calendar, not the Safari Camps calendar. INSTEAD use the "back" button on your browser to navigate back to the Safari Camps calendar.
    Re-navigate to your preferred week of camp. Choose the date you'd like and choose the camp for which you'd like to register your next camper. Please check camp titles and eligible grades carefully! Campers must be registered for the **grade level they will enter in Fall 2025**.
    Re-navigate to your preferred week of camp. Choose the date you'd like and choose the camp for which you'd like to register your next camper. Please check camp titles and eligible grades carefully! Campers must be registered for the **grade level they will enter in Fall 2025**.
    Select the number of campers you wish to enroll in this camp. Please remember **Parents/Guardians must register their own child to participate in Safari Camp**. Registering for a camper other than your own child will result in a **minimum administrative fee of $50 each to transfer registration(s)** to the appropriate parent/caregiver account.
    Read and confirm all required checklist items, then click "Add to Cart"
    Read and confirm all required checklist items, then click "Add to Cart"
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    You should see BOTH camps in your cart--if you need to add additional campers, repeat the steps above using the "back" button in your browser.