2.11a Create an Estimate | Scribe

    2.11a Create an Estimate

    • 4 steps
    • QuickBooksQuickBooks
    • AkadianAkadian
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    Start in the Sample company.
    To complete this exercise, you must be in the Sample company. From your QBOA account, click on the Gear icon on the top right corner of the screen, then select Sample company.
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    Note that you will be logged out of your current account. If you are sure, click "Continue" to confirm.
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    Now let's get started with the exercise.
    Click the "+New" button, then select "Estimate".
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    Note: You can also create an Estimate by selecting “Create Estimate” from the Estimates section of the Sales Center.
    Complete the estimate using the information from the scenario (see header).
    Click the "down arrow" next to Save and send, then select "Save and close".
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    Keep this session of the Sample company open for the next exercise: [2\.11b Convert an Estimate to a Purchase Order.](https://scribehow.com/shared/211b_Convert_an_Estimate_to_a_Purchase_Order__eJBd41rbTy-HQK6aB1B5ig)

    🎥 Video

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    Want to follow along? [Click here](https://youtu.be/YPAGxP5oiTU) for our video walk-through.

    📚 Get the Full Course

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    This exercise comes from our basic level ProAdvisor certification course. Do more like it and pass your QuickBooks Basic ProAdvisor certification course in one weekend by [clicking here.](https://www.fastandeasyqbo.com/basic)

    📝 Feedback

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    Questions/Problems/Concerns?[ Send feedback.](https://www.bookwidgets.com/play/k6rmQMKk-iQAEzXMdagAAA/BEXUQBE/feedback-scrib?teacher_id=6434462993219584)