2.9 Using Tags | Scribe

    2.9 Using Tags

    • 12 steps
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    Start in the Sample company
    To complete this exercise, you must be in the Sample company. From your QBOA account, click on the Gear icon on the top right corner of the screen, then select Sample company.
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    Note that you will be logged out of your current account. If you are sure, click "Continue" to confirm.
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    Now let's get started with the exercise. This is a great opportunity to use Tags. First, you will need to find the transactions for those customers and add the tag.
    From the left navigation bar, hover over Sales, then click "Customers".
    Click "Dylan Sollfrank".
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    If any pop-ups appear, just click out of them.
    To edit Dylan's sales receipt, click "Edit".
    In the Tags field, type "John", then select "+Add John" from the dropdown that appears.
    Click the "down arrow" next to Save and send, then select "Save and close".
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    Now let's add the tag for Kate Whelan.
    To go back to the customer list, click "Customers".
    Click "Kate Whelan".
    To edit Kate's sales receipt, click "Edit".
    Click into the "Tags" field. Notice that the John tag automatically appears. Click "John".
    Click "Save and close".
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    Repeat Steps 7-11 for the invoice for Kookies by Kathy.
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    Now that the transactions have been tagged, it's time to answer Craig's question about how much money he has made from this referral relationship.
    Click on the "Gear icon", then select "Tags".
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    From here you can do the following: (1) See the total amount of transactions tagged. *(Note: depending on when you are doing this exercise, you may need to change the date range to "All Dates" as the Sample company is continuously changing the dates. Simply click on "This year" to adjust to "All Dates").* (2) See the total amount of transactions tagged "John". \[Currently, this and (1) are the same.\] (3) Click to see the specific transactions that are tagged "John". (4) Click to run a profit and loss report for John's tagged transactions.