2.B.1.3 Reconciling the Corporate Credit Card | Scribe

    2.B.1.3 Reconciling the Corporate Credit Card

    • 0 step
    • AkadianAkadian
    • IntuitIntuit
    Start in the same session of the Sample Company that you used for the previous exercises. (4/4)
    Now get started with the exercise.

    Reconciling the Primary account (Incorrect way)

    For the sake of demonstration. Pretend that you think you are supposed to reconcile the subaccounts rather than the parent account. Take a look at the steps below to see the effects of this decision.
    On the line of Craig's Visa (Primary) account Click "View register"
    Click "Reconcile"
    In the Statement ending balance field, enter "0.00", and select todays date for the Statemetn ending date.
    Click "Start reconciling"
    Click the circle icon on the far right of the table to select all transactions.
    Click "Yes, select all"
    Click "Finish now"
    Click "Done"
    Now, return to the Chart of accounts.
    Click "Chart of accounts"
    On the Visa Corporate account line, click "View register"
    Notice the transactions from the primary account have an R in the row indicating the transactions are Reconciled.
    Click "Reconcile"
    Close any popups.
    Now, when trying to reconcile the parent account, the transactions from the primary account no longer appear. This will prevent you from reconciling the account because you won't be able to reconcile all of the transactions found on the statement.
    Now, return to the Chart of accounts and undo the reconciliation of the Primary account.
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