2.CR.1.2 Sharing Reports | Scribe

    2.CR.1.2 Sharing Reports

    • 0 step
    • QuickBooksQuickBooks
    • AkadianAkadian
    Start in the Sample company.
    To complete this exercise, you must be in the Sample company. From your QBOA account, click on the Gear icon on the top right corner of the screen, then select Sample company.
    Note that you will be logged out of your current account. If you are sure, click "Continue" to confirm.
    Now let's get started with the exercise.

    Profit and Loss Report

    We'll start by creating the P&L, or Profit and Loss Report, for Craig. Note that your numbers may be different depending on which exercises you completed prior to running the report.
    On the left navigation bar, click "Reports".
    Click "Profit and Loss".
    In real-life, we would run these as monthly reports. However, running them for last month in the Sample company will result in a different report depending on the day it is run. Therefore, we will run them as all dates.
    In the Report period field, select "All Dates".
    Click "Run report".
    In order to send this report to Craig on a schedule, you will need to save it as a customized report.
    Click "Save customization".
    You can add this to a report group and then everything in that group will be emailed to Craig.
    Click "Add new group".
    In the New group name field, type "Monthly Reports", then click "Add".
    Notice that QBO automatically added this report to the new group.
    Click "Save".
    Click "Back to report list".

    Balance Sheet

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