2.SC.6.1 Invoicing Delayed Charges | Scribe

    2.SC.6.1 Invoicing Delayed Charges

    • 0 step
    • Fast & Easy QBOFast & Easy QBO
    • QuickBooksQuickBooks
    Start in the Sample company.
    To complete this exercise, you must be in the Sample company. From your QBOA account, click on the Gear icon on the top right corner of the screen, then select Sample company.
    Note that you will be logged out of your current account. If you are sure, click "Continue" to confirm.
    Now let's get started with the exercise. Because you're recording this now, but sending an invoice later, you'll be using the Delayed Charges feature. We'll start by setting up the charges for last week's watering.
    Click the "+New" button, then select "Delayed charge".
    Craig tells you to charge $25 per visit.
    In the Customer field, select "Red Rock Diner".
    In the Delayed Charge Date, select *last* Friday's date. *Note: your date will likely be different than what is shown below. If you are doing this exercise on a Friday, just choose the previous week's Friday.*
    On the first line, in the Product/Service field, select "Gardening".
    You could create a separate line for each day, but for this exercise we use one line for both days. Also note, with the dates in the Sample company continuously changing based on when you complete the exercise, we will use a generic date format. Feel free to add actual dates though if that is helpful for you to see.
    In the Description field, after Weekly Gardening Service, type " - mm/dd/yy, mm/dd/yy".
    In the QTY field, type "2".
    In the Rate field, type "25". *Note: when you hit the TAB key after typing this in, QBO will automatically calculate the amount.*
    Click "Save and new".
    Now, we'll set up the Delayed Charge for this week.
    In the Customer field, select "Red Rock Diner".
    In the Delayed Charge Date field, select the *upcoming* Friday. *Note: your date will likely be different than what is shown below. If you are doing this exercise on a Friday, just choose the following week's Friday.*
    Craig indicated he also did weeding for $15 this week. Let's add this to the delayed charge.
    On the second line, in the Product/Service field, select "Gardening".
    In the Description field, type "Weeding".
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