3-Step Cold Outreach Sequence Workflow | Scribe

    3-Step Cold Outreach Sequence Workflow

    • Zac Harris |
    • 0 step |
    • 2 minutes
    Once logged into [Copy.ai](http://Copy.ai), head over to Workflows.
    To create a new Workflow, click "Add Workflow"
    Start writing your prompt in the chat box.
    When writing your prompt describe the Workflow you're trying to build and what your desired outcome is.
    Once the Workflow has been generated, check each step to ensure that it's in line with your expectations. Make changes to the Prompt Instructions or Prompt Background as you see fit.
    To improve the quality of your output, be sure to reference relevant entries you've made in Infobase. You can reference them by using a "#".
    When you're happy with your Workflow, hit Publish. Don't worry! You can always make changes later.
    Once your Workflow has been published, move to the Table view to push your first run!
    Add in your inputs. For this Workflow, our input is a prospect's LinkedIn URL. Once added, hit the ▶️ button to run your Workflow.
    Review your output.
    Want to scale this fast? Upload a CSV to bulk run this Workflow and build personalized cold outreach sequences at scale.
    After your CSV is uploaded, click "Run All"
    In a matter of minutes, you'll have ready-to-send personalized outreach sequences for your prospects! Run this Workflow as many times as you'd like. 🙌 Sign up for [Copy.ai](http://Copy.ai) to get started!

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