3.10b Voided/Deleted Transactions | Scribe

    3.10b Voided/Deleted Transactions

    • 10 steps
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    Start in the Sample company.
    To complete this exercise, you must be in the Sample company. From your QBOA account, click on the Gear icon on the top right corner of the screen, then select Sample company.
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    Note that you will be logged out of your current account. If you are sure, click "Continue" to confirm.
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    Now let's get started with the exercise.
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    Before beginning, it's important to note the difference between **Void** and **Delete**. **Void** means the transaction has been removed, won't affect the books/accounts, but can still be found within your QBO account (like through the Voided/Deleted Transactions log). Though not automatic, there is a way to recover voided transactions. **Delete** means the transaction has been completely removed from the books and cannot be recovered. It will show as Deleted on the Voided/Deleted Transactions log, but you cannot click into it to see more information about what was in the transaction. At the end of this exercise, you can see what this looks like. If you must remove transactions, consider using Void over Delete so you always have the ability to go back to it, if need be.
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    In order to see the invoice on the Voided/Deleted Transactions log (which is a filtered version of the Audit log), we need to void the invoice first. Let's go find it.
    From the left navigation bar, hover over Sales, then select "Customers".
    Scroll down and click "Kookies by Kathy".
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    If any pop-ups appear, just click out of them.
    There is only one invoice; on that line under the Action column, click "Edit".
    Click "More" on the black bar, then click "Void".
    A pop-up warning will ask if you are sure you want to void the transaction. For the purposes of this exercise, click "Yes".
    Click "OK".
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    Now we need to see how this shows up on the Voided/Deleted Transactions log.
    Click "Accountant Tools", then click "Voided/deleted transactions".
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    Keep in mind that Accountant Tools is only available for Accountant Users. For non-Accountant Users, they would need to open up the Audit Log from the Gear icon to search for voided/deleted transactions.
    You will likely have one item showing on the list - the invoice we just voided. In the History column, click "View".
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    Here is where you will see all of the information about the invoice. The changes are indicated by the crossed out words and green highlights. Remember at the top of the exercise we said there was a way to recover a voided transaction, albeit not automatically? This page can help with that, as you can take down all the information and recreate the transaction.
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    Alternatively, to take note of the transaction's details, you could look at the original invoice itself.
    Click "Invoice No. 1016 ID: 60".