3.1 Create Customer Statements | Scribe

    3.1 Create Customer Statements

    • 22 steps
    • QuickBooksQuickBooks
    • AkadianAkadian
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    Start in the Sample company.
    To complete this exercise, you must be in the Sample company. From your QBOA account, click on the Gear icon on the top right corner of the screen, then select Sample company.
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    Note that you will be logged out of your current account. If you are sure, click "Continue" to confirm.
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    Now let's get started with the exercise.

    Balance Forward

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    Scenario: Craig has noticed that several of his customers have outstanding invoices. He has asked you to send all of them a statement showing their current balance. How would you do this?
    From the left navigation bar, hover over Sales, then click "Customers".
    Click the orange part of the money bar to select only those customers with outstanding invoices.
    Click the "checkbox" at the top of the column to select all customers with outstanding invoices.
    Click "Batch actions".
    Click "Create statements".
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    Note that "Balance Forward" is already selected. If you previously had used a different statement type, it would be reflected here.
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    In a real life scenario, you would click "Save and send". For the purposes of this exercise, we just want to view the customer statements that would be sent out.
    Click "Print or Preview".
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    You can now scroll through the resulting report and notice that one report is generated for each customer, showing the balance due on each account.
    Click "X" to close the preview.
    Click "X" to return to the customer list.

    Open Item

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    Scenario: Red Rock Diner received their Balance Forward customer statement and asked for a breakdown of which invoices were included in the Balance Due. How would you send that to them?
    Scroll through the customer list to find Red Rock Diner. Click the "down arrow" next to Receive payment, then select "Create statement".