3.4 Adding Co-PI and Collaborators | Scribe

    3.4 Adding Co-PI and Collaborators

    • Chandra Breanne Curry |
    • 5 steps |
    • 10 seconds
    alert ordinal icon
    Alert! Once a Co-PI or collaborator is added to the *Proposal Details* section, they will have full access to edit or submit the proposal.
    Click in the **Principal Investigator (PI)** field.
    Begin typing the name of the individual who will serve as PI. Once the name appears, click on it to populate the field.
    Click the "Co-Principal Investigator (PI)" field and add Co-PI(s) following the same steps.
    Lastly, click the **Co-proposers** field and enter ***all*** members of the tentative research team. \ \ Include both on-site and remote personnel in experimental, theory/simulations, supervision/coordination and other roles such as target fabrication and engineering support. This information is critical for reporting purposes.
    Click **SAVE (⌘ + S)**.