3. Connect OpenAI to Triggre | Scribe

    3. Connect OpenAI to Triggre

    • Triggre |
    • 5 steps |
    • 43 seconds
    • Open AI Developer PlatformOpen AI Developer Platform
    • TriggreTriggre
    Visit <https://openai.com>and log in with your account or create a new free account.
    Click on the "API" option, then click on the sidebar &gt; "API keys".
    Click on the "API" option, then click on the sidebar &gt; "API keys".
    Click "Create new secret key‍" to create the API key that you will use in your Triggre application.
    Click "Create new secret key‍" to create the API key that you will use in your Triggre application.
    Go back to your Triggre application, click on "Settings" and add: ✅ The email where OpenAI error notifications will be sent\ ✅ The OpenAI API key you just created\ ✅ The OpenAI model you want to use. We recommend starting with "gpt-3.5-turbo". Click "Save".
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    OpenAI has different models with different capacities and usage limits. To learn more, visit <https://platform.openai.com/docs/models/overview>
    Your app is ready! Send your first email to the email address you created with Zapier and check that OpenAI categorizes it correctly. Enjoy your email categorization tool!
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    **Common troubleshooting** If you get an error message with *Status Code 429*, it means you reached Open AI's rate limit for requests. For further details, [consult Open AI's documentation.](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/6891829-error-code-429-rate-limit-reached-for-requests)