3 Ways to Invite Teammates to Scribe | Scribe
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    3 Ways to Invite Teammates to Scribe

    • ScribeScribe

    From the Documents Library

    Navigate to [https://scribehow.com/workspace#documents](https://scribehow.com/workspace#documents)
    Click "Invite Teammates" from the bottom left.
    If you're part of multiple teams you can always select from which team you'll be sending the invitation
    Enter the email address and toggle their role if applicable.
    Personalize the message they'll receive with the invite.
    Click here "Send Invites".

    From the Dashboard

    Navigate to [https://scribehow.com/workspace#dashboard](https://scribehow.com/workspace#dashboard)
    If you're part of multiple teams you can always select from which team you'll be sending the invitation
    Enter the email address
    Toggle the role if applicable
    Personalize the message they'll receive with the invite.
    Click "Send Invites".

    From a Scribe

    Navigate to the Scribe you want to share with someone.
    Click "Share"
    Enter their email address
    Click "Share"
    Click "Invite to Team".
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