Adding services to a family | Scribe

Adding services to a family

  • David Tisdale |
  • 0 step |
  • 2 minutes
  • Data-KeeperData-Keeper
In this tutorial, we'll walk through how to add an additional service to the family like Doula services.
First, go to "Families".
Before selecting a family, let's configure the family drop-down list. Click on the drop-down setting button next to the search icon.
In the configuration list, you can choose which families you want to show in the the drop-down menu based on the services they are receiving. In this tutorial, we're wanting to access the Bunnymen family who is currently on the Waiting List.
Click the "Waiting List" field.
But let's go ahead and turn all services on so we can see all families.
Click "Save"
Now we can select the Bunnymen family. Notice how in the family list, those with services other than home visiting have the service listed to the right of their name.
This family is currently on the "Waiting List"
Click "Service Management"
Click the "+" button at the top right to add a service.
Let's add doula services to the family.
Select the start date for doula services.
Under Family Members, choose which members are to be included in the doula services. Note, the primary guardian will always be included in any services the family is receiving.
Click "Create"
Click "Close"
From the Service Management page, we can now see that the family is receiving "Doula Services". The family is also still waiting to be enrolled in home visiting.
Navigate back to the family home.
On "Family Home", we see what services the family is currently receiving.
0 Selected
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