4.2 Create a Bank Rule | Scribe

    4.2 Create a Bank Rule

    • 0 step
    • QuickBooksQuickBooks
    • AkadianAkadian
    Start in the Sample company.
    To complete this exercise, you must be in the Sample company. From your QBOA account, click on the Gear icon on the top right corner of the screen, then select Sample company.
    Note that you will be logged out of your current account. If you are sure, click "Continue" to confirm.
    Now let's get started with the exercise. Rules are applied to transactions that come across in the bank feeds. So let's first take a look at what's currently in the bank feeds awaiting review.
    From the left navigation bar, hover over Transactions, then select "Bank transactions".
    If this is your first time in the banking center, you will likely get a pop-up. Just click the "x" to exit it.
    Click "PAYEE" to sort the list alphabetically.
    Scroll down and notice that there are two Hicks Hardware transactions. One that is Uncategorized, and one that has matched to an existing Check in QBO.
    Let's set up a rule for these. Click the "Rules" tab.
    Click "Go to rules". *Note that you are only seeing this screen because it is the Sample company.*
    Click "New rule".
    Name the rule "Hicks Hardware".
    First we'll need to tell QBO what transactions to look for. It's already set to look for Money out transactions in All bank accounts. We just need to tell it what text to look for in the Description.
    In the Enter text (required) field, type "Hicks" to indicate that QBO should look for Money out transactions with Hicks in the description.
    Click "Test rule." *Note that there are 2 transactions in the current list of bank feed transactions that will match the conditions you just entered in Step 8 (money out with a description containing "Hicks"). These are the two transactions we saw earlier in the banking center.*
    Next, you will determine what QBO should assign to the transactions that meet that criteria.
    Complete the following: - In the Category field, click on "Job Materials" from the dropdown. *Note that this is a sub-category of "Job Expenses," so it will display as "Job Expenses:Job Materials" after you have selected it.* - In the Payee field, select "Hicks Hardware". - Click the "toggle" next to Auto-add to turn it off. (We'll discuss this in a future step.) - Click "Save".
    Let's see how this shows up on the bank feed.
    Click the "Bank transactions" tab.
    Scroll down to Hicks Hardware.
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