4.3 Set up Recurring Transactions | Scribe

    4.3 Set up Recurring Transactions

    • 10 steps
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    Start in the Sample company.
    To complete this exercise, you must be in the Sample company. From your QBOA account, click on the Gear icon on the top right corner of the screen, then select Sample company.
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    Note that you will be logged out of your current account. If you are sure, click "Continue" to confirm.
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    Now let's get started with the exercise. Because you are collecting payment at the time of the sale, you will use a Sales Receipt for this transaction.
    Click the "+New" button, then select "Sales receipt".
    In the Customer field, select "Geeta Kalapatapu".
    In the Payment method field, select "MasterCard". *Notice that it is currently set to Deposit to Undeposited Funds.*
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    If this were an actual company with QuickBooks Payments enabled, you would have the option to enter the credit card details and process the payment directly from the Sales Receipt. Also notice that with this set up, there is no "Deposit to" account. This is because with QuickBooks Payments, you set up the deposit account in the "Payments" tab of Account & Settings.
    On the first line, under Product/Service, select "Weekly Gardening Service".
    In the Rate field, type "250".
    Click "Make recurring" on the black bar at the bottom.
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    Because Craig wants to automatically charge Geeta's credit card every month, we will leave the Type as Scheduled. (See Alert, after Step 10.)
    In the Create X days in advance field, type "3" to have it show up in the register 3 days before it is actually charged.
    Geeta asked if Craig could charge her credit card on the 10th of every month. Use the dropdown to click "10th" in the Interval section. As discussed previously, remember that the Payment method will be different in a real life scenario.
    Click "Save template".
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    If Craig wanted to set up the recurring transaction as a template to use whenever he needed it, rather than on a fixed schedule, he could select "Unscheduled" from the Type dropdown. If he wanted a reminder to edit the template, rather than having it automatically show up in the register, you could select "Reminder" here. Reminders appear in the "Get things done" tab of the Dashboard. It does not appear to work in the Sample Company, but here's what a Reminder looks like in real life.

    🎥 Video

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    Want to follow along? [Click here](https://youtu.be/rAuJa3q9DTo) for our video walk-through.

    📚 Get the Full Course

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    This exercise comes from our basic level ProAdvisor certification course. Do more like it and pass your QuickBooks Basic ProAdvisor certification course in one weekend by [clicking here.](https://www.fastandeasyqbo.com/basic)