#6 - Set Up 12 Monthly Giving Emails | Scribe

    #6 - Set Up 12 Monthly Giving Emails

    • James Thorne |
    • 10 steps |
    • 37 seconds
    • ActivehostedActivehosted
    Log into your ActiveCampaign account.
    Click the "Automations" icon.
    Click "Create an automation".
    Click "Import an automation".
    Click the "Enter your automation URL here" field.
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    Not feeling creative or simply don’t have the time to put together an engaging email? We can do it for you! We have a package that includes all of our templates with fully designed and written emails for you.\ \ You can purchase your package here: <https://quirk.guide/storytelling-upgrade>\ \ If you’ve already purchased the package, you will use your new template link for this section.
    Paste this link: <https://tplshare.com/IqJr2AS>
    Click "Import".
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    These next few steps will be done a total of 12 times. You want to create an engaging email that sends value to your donors each month after they give for an entire year. You will want to include a testimonial or story that can be shared each month and thanking them for being a part of the cause, then pointing them back to your packages, donations, or volunteers page in a subtle way at the end. If you would like to upgrade to the Messaging & Design package, we give you all email templates fully designed and written with areas that you can update the text and design along with giving you all "How Tos" on forms created in ActiveCampaign and connected to your emails. You can purchase your package here: <https://quirk.guide/storytelling-upgrade>
    Click "Send an email "Monthly Giving Email #1"".
    Create each monthly email.
    information ordinal icon
    Not feeling creative or simply don’t have the time to put together an engaging email? We can do it for you! We have a package that includes all of our templates with fully designed and written emails for you. \ You can purchase your package here: <https://quirk.guide/storytelling-upgrade> \ If you’ve already purchased the package, you will use your new template link for this section.
    Click "Active".