To complete this exercise, you must be in the Sample company. From your QBOA account, click on the Gear icon on the top right corner of the screen, then select Sample company.
Note that you will be logged out of your current account. If you are sure, click "Continue" to confirm.
Now let's get started with the exercise.
From the left navigation bar, click "Reports".
In the Sales and Customer section, click "Sales by Customer Detail".
Note that Intuit is currently in the process of changing all reports from Classic View to Modern View. When clicking on the report, it will automatically default to the Modern View.
In the next two sections, you will see how to collapse and expand data in both views.
Modern View
Click the "down arrow" next to This month to date, then select "All Dates".
In the report, click the arrows next to each customer to collapse the details.
*Note: For extra practice, click the arrows for several customers to see how this changes the look of the report.*
When you collapse the detail rows, only the total shows for each customer, which is what Craig wanted to achieve.
If he needs to expand it again to see the details, he would simply click the same arrows.
Classic View
Now let's see how this would look in Classic View.
Click "Switch to classic view".
In the Report period field, select "All Dates".
Click "Run report".
In the report, click the arrows next to each customer to collapse the details.
*Note: For extra practice, click the arrows for several customers to see how this changes the look of the report.*
Just like you saw in Modern View, when you collapse the detail rows, only the total shows for each customer, which is what Craig wanted to achieve. If he needs to expand it again to see the details, he would simply click the same arrows.
π₯ Video
Want to follow along? [Click here]( for our video walk-through.
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