AATSP Exams: Student Perspective | Scribe

    AATSP Exams: Student Perspective

    • Lisa Berry |
    • 0 step |
    • 2 minutes

    Student Opens Invitation Email

    Students should receive an **email** from Lingco Language Labs, sent by their instructor, with an invitation to join an exam. \ \ Student must click on the invitation link to **sign up** or **log in**.
    **Recommendation**: Use a school email address to create a Lingco Language Labs account, and write down or save your password for future reference.
    **Whoops!** If the student encounters a "Seat Assignment" error, the instructor has skipped an important step. Please contact Lingco tech support for more information.

    Student Logs On To Lingco

    Once logged in, the student will find an invitation notice.\ \ Click "JOIN NOW"

    Student Practice

    **Access Practice Material**\ Student logs on to their Lingco account and clicks on "MODULES"
    The **first *four* modules** include practice material that is available to students right away: 1. Vocabular Practice 2. Grammar Practice 3. Speaking and Writing Prompts 4. Practice Tests
    **Please Note:** The fifth module includes the **official exam**, which is **closed** until the exam window opens and will remain locked until the teacher gives the student the **secret code** to log in on their exam day.

    Exam Day

    **On Exam Day**\ Student logs on to their Lingco account and navigates to the Official Exam **module**.
    Student selects an exam **section** to begin the exam.
    Students will be prompted to enter a **secret code** in order to begin their exam section. Each section is 40 minutes long.
    Remember: - The exam will remain LOCKED until the exam window opens. - During the exam window, the exams remain inaccessible to students until they receive a SECRET CODE from their instructor.

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