Enter the email and password you would like to use, complete the captcha, and click sign up.
NOTE: Double check the email and password you enter when signing up as there are no fields confirming them. If you make a typo in your account email, you'll have to restart this process with the correct email.
UPDATE 07/10: The site now sends a confirmation email to the email address you used in the sign up process to ensure that you used the correct email. If you aren't seeing the confirmation message in your inbox after a minute or two, check your spam folder. Clicking on the link in the email will verify that you entered the correct email and you can then navigate back to the Apply for Access page, log in with your newly created account, and continue applying.
If you do not receive the email confirming your account, close the window and go through the sign up process again, double checking that you have not made a typo in your email address.
You can leave the "Join this site's community" checkbox checked or unchecked, it will not impact your usage of the portal.