ASU Library - Wall Street Journal (ProQuest) Opinion | Scribe

    ASU Library - Wall Street Journal (ProQuest) Opinion

    • Mary Ann Naumann |
    • 0 step |
    • 2 minutes

    Accessing the Wall Street Journal (ProQuest database)

    Navigate to [](
    Click "View All Research Databases"
    Type "Wall Street Journal" into the "Search for Databases" search box
    Click "Wall Street Journal (ProQuest)"

    Searching for Opinion Pieces in the WSJ

    Click "Advanced Search"
    Under the search boxes on the Advanced Search page, locate "Document type." Click the checkboxes next to "Commentary" and "Editorial."
    Enter your search term(s) and click the search button.

    Limit results by publication date

    If applicable, limit your results by publication date. Click here. Click "Update"

    Citing an article

    Click on the Cite button to generate a citation.
    Select the appropriate citation style from the pull-down menu. Click on the copy button. Be sure to double-check the generated citation for errors before using it in your assignment.

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