AWT - Housing Status | Scribe

    AWT - Housing Status

    • Ariel Ng |
    • 8 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • FindigsFindigs
    The **Housing history** section will gather information about previous addresses and property managers or owners.
    Enter your current address. Anyone who is currently renting will need share the landlord name and contact info, the total rent, and the percentage of rent they pay at that address.
    Enter your current address. Anyone who is currently renting will need share the landlord name and contact info, the total rent, and the percentage of rent they pay at that address.
    Current renters will be given the option to connect their bank to show rental payments; they can skip this step if they want.
    Current renters will be given the option to connect their bank to show rental payments; they can skip this step if they want.
    Enter the exact rent payment details to verify rent payments via bank connection, as well as when you started living at that address.
    Enter the exact rent payment details to verify rent payments via bank connection, as well as when you started living at that address.
    Renters that choose not to connect their bank can click "Do this manually" to have the option to upload documents instead.
    Renters that choose not to connect their bank can click "Do this manually" to have the option to upload documents instead.
    If you own a home, select that option for current housing status, and provide information about your mortgage and mortgage lender.
    If you own a home, select that option for current housing status, and provide information about your mortgage and mortgage lender.
    Finally, to capture any other type of current living situation, you can select Other for your current housing status. You have a few options to choose from; with each, you are prompted to add a short description about your status, as well as provide date you started living at that address.
    Finally, to capture any other type of current living situation, you can select Other for your current housing status. You have a few options to choose from; with each, you are prompted to add a short description about your status, as well as provide date you started living at that address.
    Next, we’ll address any remaining housing-related questions that need to be answered.
    Next, we’ll address any remaining housing-related questions that need to be answered.